Е. С. Закирова, П. А. Красавин Английский язык для технических вузов

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T A Karpova Anglysky dlya tekhnicheskikh vuzov (1)

dialogues and then: 
a) agree or disagree with the following definitions 
FMS (flexible manufacturing system) 
is a manufacturing system in which 
there is some amount of flexibility that allows the system to react in the case of 
changes, whether predicted or unpredicted.
CNC (computer numerical control) 
is the method of controlling machines 
by the application of digital electronic computers and circuitry (design or de-
tailed plan for an electric circuit).
Agile manufacturing
is the manufacturing that has created the processes, 
tools, to respond quickly to customers’ needs and market changes while still 
controlling costs and quality.
means able to make changes or to deal with the situation that is 
A network 
is a set of computers that are connected to each other so that 
each computer can send and receive information to and from other computers.
b) match each word with its correct definition
scale, system, manufacture, robot, component
1. A machine that can do work by itself. 
2. One of the different parts that a machine or piece of equipment con-
sists of.
3. A set of connected things that work together for a particular purpose.
4. The size of something, especially when it is big.
5. The process of making goods in large quantities in a factory.
c) find the definitions for some other words which you consider to be important 
for the topic “Flexible Manufacturing Systems”. Use the website www.mac-
Exercise 8. Read the sentences, point out the gerund. Give the Russian equiva-
lents. If you have some difficulties, use the grammar reference at the end of 
the book.
1. By changing the speed of machining they significantly increased the 
performance. 2. We apply different technologies for performing two or more 
functions simultaneously. 3. They have to analyse manufacturing of automo-
biles. 4. You may use these technologies for maximizing the performance of the 
machines. 5. We are interested in producing non-standard parts. 6. It is worth 
installing new machinery. 7. On checking the set of work stations we found 

the reason of their failure. 8. Providing monitoring of operations we identified 
the problems requiring special attention. 9. They are thinking of saving huge 
amounts of money by switching to flexible manufacturing systems. 10. They 
missed the opportunity of producing low quality products. 

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