Е. С. Закирова, П. А. Красавин Английский язык для технических вузов

LISTENING Exercise 20. Listen to the text “Application of Computers”

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Exercise 20. Listen to the text “Application of Computers”
Before listening: mind the words and phrases given to comprehend better the 
information you are going to listen to.
Prominent — выдающийся, заметный, известный;

widespread — широко распространенный;
it regards — это касается;
as for industries concerned — что касается промышленности;
to improve the quality — улучшать качество;
to be engaged in — быть вовлеченным;
refinery — нефтеперерабатывающий завод;
thanks to them — благодаря им; 
disease — заболевание;
accountancy — бухгалтерский учет;
to enhance cognitive skills — развивать познавательные навыки;
illiterate — неграмотный, необразованный;
commonplace — типичный случай, обычное явление.
After listening: agree or disagree with the following statements and add some 
more information if needed.
1. The role of computers is ever increasing in our life. 2. Computers are 
widely used in banking, industry, and medicine. 3. Computers find application 
in education, providing computer-aided learning environment. 4. Computers 
can be hardly used in fire control. 5. They are widely used in automatic pilot-
ing and navigation. 6. The reach of the computer application is to be increased 
Exercise 21. Share your vision of сomputers using the following phrases: to my 
mind, in my opinion, if I am not mistaken, as far as I remember, it seems 
to me, etc.
1. What is a computer?
2. What types of computers do you know?
3. What are the main functional units of the computer?
4. What is storage? What storage units are you familiar with?
5. Do you happen to know anything about the CPU? If yes, list its con-
stituent parts.
6. How can you input and output information? What devices can be 
7. What are the specific features of hardware and software?
8. What can you say about application of computers?
9. What manual predecessors of computers do you know?
10. Who built the first analog and electronics computers? When?

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