rejection or a search for solutions or ways to bypass the problems. An example
for direct solar energy (SE) is that the sun does not always shine even in
California. There are various ways to tackle that problem. A claim made that SE
is more dangerous than nuclear fission power, because installers fall off ladders,
is a good example of the phony kind. That is not to say that working for SE
cannot be dangerous.
Some aspects of SE constitute a problem for some but a boon to others.
Probably the main example cited as problem is its «diffuse» nature. To the
extent that means that the sun shines on every field and roof, rather than
concentrating its blessings onto where only giant regional utilities and polluting
energy companies tied to them have access to it, it can be an advantage for many
more people than associated with those companies.
Without first concentrating the sunlight, however, it would really be too
diffuse for important uses such as solar (absorption) cooling, thermal electricity
generation or substantial cost-effective photovoltaic power. That explains the
special hostility to availability of inexpensive concentrators by those in control.
It could have led to major solar proliferation long ago.
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