Еэ Қ¥ҚЫҚ мамандықтар тобының мемлекеттік аралық бақылау пәндері бойынша тест жинағы тест ¥то-ның интеллектуалды меншігі болып табылады. ¥то-ның жазбаша келісімінсіз қандай мақсатқа болмасын көшірме жасауға тыйым салынады. Астана 2009 ббк67

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Ағылшын тілі

1. Find the right variant:

There ... any mice in the house.

                  1. are

                  1. wasn't

                  1. aren't D)is

E) was

2. Find the right variant:

There .. .a large table in my room:

                  1. Are.

                  1. Am. C)Is.

D) Were.

3. Fill in the gap with the correct answer.

Needless to say, hands before and after eating.

                  1. wash

                  1. must be washing

                  1. must wash

                  1. should wash

E) must be washed

4. Choose the right variant:

Speed: 128 kilometers an hour.

                  1. One thousand and twenty-eight.

                  1. Hundred twenty-eight.

                  1. One thousand twenty-eight.

                  1. One hundreds twenty-eight.

E) One hundred and twenty-eight.

5. Choose the right variant:

Are you as ... as your friend?

                  1. Most young.

                  1. Younger.

                  1. More younger.

                  1. Youngest.

E) Young.

6. Choose the correct answer: You don't need to vacuum the carpet. I've ... done


                  1. already

                  1. yet

                  1. still

                  1. often E)rather


7 мұска

Агылшын тілі

7. Find the correct answer:

What is this woman?

                  1. She is my sister.

                  1. She is a teacher.

                  1. Her name is Helen.

                  1. She has a family.

E) She is beautiful.

8. Choose the correct word:

In Scotland you have three distinct : Lowland, Central Plain

and Uplands.

                  1. regions

                  1. climates

                  1. countries

                  1. villages

E) continens

9. Complete the sentence using suitable adjective form: I don't work particularly

hard. Most people work as hard .

                  1. as me

                  1. than me

                  1. than mine

                  1. as not as me

E) as me as

10. Choose the right answer in a possessive case:

Whose T- shirt is this? (Andy)

                  1. Its Andys

                  1. They're Andy's

                  1. It's Andy's

                  1. It's Andys

E) Its Andy

11. Choose the right variant:

Queen visited a new hospital this morning.

                  1. His"

                  1. The. C)A. D)~ E) Her.

12. Choose the correct answer: He ... in Paris since 1998.

                  1. Had live

                  1. Is living?

                  1. Lives

                  1. Has lived

E) Lived


7 нұсқа

Ағылшын тілі

13. Choose the correct answer.

Today, at least one American out of every three who get married ... within ten years.

                  1. have divorced

                  1. divorce

                  1. will be divorced

                  1. are divorcing

E) will have been divorced

14. For the situation write a sentence with a modal verb: Liz needs a change.

                  1. She should go away for a few days

                  1. She should will go for a few days

                  1. She should goes away for a few days

                  1. She will go away for a few days

E) She is going away for a few days

15. Choose the correct answer: Susan usually works from Monday to Friday, but

last week, she ... work on Saturday as well.

                  1. Had to

                  1. Has to

                  1. Must

                  1. Have to

E) Should have

16. Choose the right pronoun. ...years ago scientists found a way of splitting atoms


                  1. every.

                  1. some. C)no.

D) something.

E) any.

17. Choose the right variant:

Say what century it is: 2005.

                  1. The twenty-one century.

                  1. Nineteen century.

                  1. Ninety century.

                  1. The nineteenth century.

E) The twenty-first century.

18. Choose the right variant:

She looks passengers.

                  1. on

                  1. after C)to D)in E)by


7 нүсқа

Агылшын тілі

19. Fill in the gap with the correct answer.

She said that she keen on drawing.

                  1. has been

                  1. was C)am D)is E) were

20. Choose the correct variant. If you ...carefully, you will never get into an


                  1. drove.

                  1. would drive

                  1. drive

                  1. would driven.

E) will drive

21. Choose the correct word:

In the West and North, Kazakhstan ... with the Russian Federation

                  1. stretches

                  1. borders

                  1. lies

                  1. surrounds

E) occupies

22. Choose the right variant. The Statue of Liberty greets everybody who comes

to ... by sea:

                  1. Chicago.

                  1. Boston.

                  1. Los-Angeles.

                  1. Washington.

E) New York.

23. Choose the right answer.

I got letter and telegram from my friend yesterday.


                  1. A\ An

                  1. An\ A

                  1. The\ A E)A\A

24. Complete the sentence:

They ... building the new road. They ...it.

                  1. Have \ doesn't finish.

                  1. Is \ are not finish.

                  1. Has been \ finished.

                  1. Are \ haven't finished.

E) Are \ don't finish.


7 нұсқа

Агылшык тілі

25. Fill in a suitable word:

At the age of 11 most children in England go to a school

where they stay until they are 16.

                  1. grammar

                  1. infant

                  1. primary

                  1. junior

E) comprehensive

Ағылшын тілі


8 нүсқа

Агылшын тілі

Ағылшын тілі

1. Choose the right article:

Look at picture.

                  1. In

                  1. An

                  1. These D)The E) Some

2. Choose the correct answer: She sixteen last year

A) Are


                  1. Will be

                  1. Has been E)Is

3. Find the right variant:

There ... many pictures on the wall.:

                  1. Do.

                  1. Am.

                  1. Are.

                  1. Is.

E) Was.

4. Choose the right variant of: 30

                  1. thirty

                  1. thirty thousand

                  1. thirty hundred

                  1. three hundred

E) thirteen

5. Choose the correct answer.

Motor Racing is the sport in the World.

                  1. as expensive

                  1. more expensive

                  1. most expensive

                  1. expensivest

E) less expensive

6. Find the right variant: We turned the house upside down but we couldn't find

your ring ....

                  1. nowhere.

                  1. somewhere.

                  1. everywhere.

                  1. nothing.

E) anywhere.


8 нұсқа

Ағылшын тілі

7. Choose the correct answer: My aunt and uncle's children are my

                  1. brothers and sisters

                  1. nieces

                  1. uncles

                  1. cousins

E) nephews

8. Find the right variant:

We're ... an excursion to London next weekend.

                  1. becoming

                  1. going on

                  1. doing

                  1. make

E) getting on

9. Complete the sentence using suitable adjective form: What is

sport in your country?

                  1. the most popular

                  1. more popular

                  1. most popular

                  1. the more popular

E) popular

10. Fill in the gap with the correct answer.

The room looks very cozy.

                  1. childrens'

                  1. children's

                  1. children

                  1. childrens's

E) childrens

11. Choose the right article:

Turn on radio.

                  1. At

                  1. The C)In

D) An

E) This

12. Complete the sentence:

We... the room when they came to see us.

                  1. Was/ cleaning.

                  1. Did/ cleaned.

                  1. Cleaned.

                  1. Were/cleaning.

E) Had/cleaning.


8 нұсқа

Агылшын тілі

13. Write a passive sentence: When we got to the stadium we found that they had

cancelled the game.

                  1. When we got to the stadium we found that the game has been cancelled

                  1. When we got to the stadium we found that the game had been cancelled

                  1. When we got to the stadium we found that the game cancelled

                  1. When we got to the stadium we found that the game is cancelled

E) They always cancel the game when we get to the stadium

14. Complete the sentence:

It was so dark, we ... see nothing.

                  1. Can.

                  1. May.

                  1. Could.

                  1. Must.

E) Might.

15. Choose the correct answer: When Peter was a boy, he ... swim very well.

                  1. Couldn't

                  1. Cant

                  1. Wouldn't

                  1. Will not

E) Wasn't able

16. Choose the right pronoun.

That woman is sister.

A) They B)My C)You D) She E)He

17. Choose the right variant:

How do you say the title: Elizabeth II?

                  1. The Two Elizabeth.

                  1. Two Elizabeth.

                  1. Elizabeth 2.

                  1. The Second Elizabeth.

E) Elizabeth the Second.

18. Find the right variant:

This question ... be discussed at the next meeting:

                  1. Has.

                  1. Will.

                  1. Каталог: ld
                    ld -> Шпаргалка на казахском языке по истории Казахстана 100 м қашықтыққа ұшатын, орақ тәрәздә құрал-бумеранг
                    ld -> Қош келдіңіздер!
                    ld -> Қазақ әдебиет пәніне тест сұрақтары
                    ld -> Сабақ: ана тілі Тақырыбы: Ахмет Байтұрсынұлы «Әліпенің атасы»
                    ld -> Қазақстан тарихы бойынша Ұбт шпаргалкалары а а. Иманов көтерiлiс отрядтарын қаруландыру үшiн – қару-жарақ шығаруды ұйымдастырды
                    ld -> Ақтқбе облысы Байғанин ауданы №3 Қарауылкелді орта мектебі
                    ld -> Сабақтың тақырыбы: Ы. Алтынсарин "Өзен" Мұғалімі: 3 "
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                    ld -> Есмағамбет Ысмайлов Баласы Қожағұлдың Біржан салмын, Адамға зияным жоқ жүрген жанмын
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