Элективті пәндер (модульдер) каталогы жн-12-22 фр 02

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!!!КЭД 2022-2023 — Био жай
шешім 12.04.-19.04, Басқару стилінің қызметкерлердің қызмет жағдайларымен қанағаттануына әсері, Дене шынықтыру және басқару жүйесі, Дене шынықтыру және басқару жүйесі, Дене шынықтыру және басқару жүйесі, тірек конспект мемлекеттік тілде іс қағаздар жүргізу , Ағылшын тілі (2), нау3 лек, 8-наурыз Құттықтау, 9 дарис Аритмиялар. Кардиомиопатиялар. Кардионевроздар (1), 9 дарис Аритмиялар. Кардиомиопатиялар. Кардионевроздар, Документ Microsoft Word (6), ЕРИТИНДИЛЕР ТЕОРИЯСЫ-УМКД (1), 6В05101 биохим 2021, кәсіби
Code of discipline: HDB 3218
Name of discipline: Human Development Biology
Semester: 5
The number of credits: 5
The teacher of discipline:
1. Zhasuzakov I.A.

Course description: The study of the discipline origin, evolution, geographical distribution of living organisms, their structure, development, reproduction and survival of the basics of knowledge about processes is focused on the formation of students. Formation of knowledge in human biology, knowledge of biological theories and basic concepts, study of the mechanism of physiological processes in the body of knowledge, acquisition of search and research skills.
Course aim: The purpose of the course: systematization of knowledge about the structure and functions of organs and systems of the human body, including basic information from the biology of human development; consideration of the problem of evolutionary, embryonic and postembryonic development; systematization of knowledge about the relationship of the structure and functions of various human systems and organs.
Рrerequisite: Biology of individual development
Postrekvizit: Fundamentals of Applied Biology and Soil Science
Expected learning outcomes of the subject (LOS):
- Develops knowledge about the structure of organs and systems of the human body not only at the macroscopic, but also at the microscopic levels;
- Reveals the most important general biological laws, develops the thinking of the future specialist, equips with knowledge about the structure of the human body;
- Reveal the connections of the body with the external environment, the animal world, and also allows you to understand the formative role of labor.

Expected learning outcomes:
LO 2, LO 5

Модульдің коды: ТAКK

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