Элективті пәндер (модульдер) каталогы жн-12-22 фр 02

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!!!КЭД 2022-2023 — Био жай

Постреквизиты: Основы биотехнологии
Ожидаемые результаты обучения по дисциплине (РОД):
РОД 1 - владеть навыками работы с биологической информацией в глобальной компьютерной системе.

Ожидаемые результаты обучения по ОП:
РО 7, РО 8

Module code:MTPS
The name of the module: Methods of Teaching and Pedagogical Skills
Code of discipline: PB 4221
Name of discipline: Plant Biotechnology
The number of credits:7
The teacher of discipline:
1. A.S.Tenlibayeva,

Purpose of discipline: this is a field of science and production that allows plants to be propagated in an artificial environment using biotechnological methods, to obtain new varieties.
Course aim:
Course description: Biotechnology is a discipline that studies the possibility of using biological organisms, their systems or important life products to solve technological problems, as well as the possibility of creating biological organisms with desired characteristics using genetic engineering
Prerequisites: Plant physiology
Postrequisites: Fundamentals of biotechnology
Expected learning outcomes of the subject (LOS):
LOS 1 - have the skills to work with biological information in a global computer system.

Expected learning outcomes:
LO 7, LO 8

Модульдің коды: MP
Модуль атауы: Мамандандыру пәндері
Пәннің коды: OZHE 2222
Пән атауы: Өсімдіктер және жануарлар экологиясы
Семестр: 6
Кредит саны: 6
Пән оқытушысы:
1. Убаев Ф.А.

Достарыңызбен бөлісу:
1   ...   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   ...   74

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