Элективті пәндер (модульдер) каталогы жн-12-22 фр 02

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!!!КЭД 2022-2023 — Био жай

Пререквизит:Физиология растений (на английском языке)
Эволюционное учение
Ожидаемый результаты обучения предмета (РОП):
- изучить растений, животных и окружающей среды;
- изучить экологические сети растений и экосистемы животных;
- Определяет особенности размножения растений и животных и сохранения биоразнообразия.

Ожидаемые результаты обучения по ОП:
РО 2, РО 7

Module code:MTPS
The name of the module: Methods of Teaching and Pedagogical Skills
Code of discipline: EPA 2222
Name of discipline: Ecology of plants and animals
Semester: 6
The number of credits: 6
The teacher of discipline:
1. Ubaev F.A.

Course description: A section of ecology that studies the interdependencies and interactions between plant organisms, as well as between plants and their environment; Animal ecology takes into account the interaction of animals and their environment. At the same time, animals are highly dependent on the surrounding vegetation. Many can live only in certain natural communities formed by certain plants.
Course aim: The study of the general laws of interaction between organisms and the environment. Quantitative and qualitative patterns of the factors on plants and animals. Kind of like an ecological system.
Рrerequisite:Plant Physiology (in English)
Postrekvizit: Evolutionary doctrine
Expected learning outcomes of the subject (LOS):
- study plants, animals and the environment;
- study the ecological networks of plants and animal ecosystems;
- Defines the characteristics of the reproduction of plants and animals and the conservation of biodiversity.

Достарыңызбен бөлісу:
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