Элективті пәндер (модульдер) каталогы жн-12-22 фр 02

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!!!КЭД 2022-2023 — Био жай

Пререквизит:Гистология и основы эмбриологии (на английском языке)
Постреквизит: Биотехнология
Ожидаемые результаты обучения по дисциплине (РОД):
РОД 1 - Знание происхождения, дифференциации, принципов системной организации организма

Ожидаемые результаты обучения по ОП:
РО 2, РО 8

Module code: DB
The name of the module: Diversity of Bioresources
Code of disciplin: MBC 3308
Name of discipline: Molecular Biology of the Cell
Semester: 6
The number of credits:6
The teacher of discipline:
1. Mustiyar T. A.

Purpose of discipline: consideration of the structure and function of the infinite molecules that make up the cell, complex biochemical processes.
Course aim:
Course description: It is widely used in modern medicine, proving that the cell is the smallest particle of life, by studying the quantitative aspects of the mechanism of biochemical processes. In addition, he studies the patterns of preservation of genomic sequences, protein ratios, molecular structures and gene expression databases.
Рrerequisite:Histology and basics of embryology (in English)
Postrekvizit: Biotechnology
Expected learning outcomes of the subject (LOS):
LOS 1 - Knowledge of the origin, differentiation, principles of the systemic organization of the organism

Expected learning outcomes:
LO 2, LO 8

Модульдің коды: BA
Модуль атауы: Биоресурстардың алуантүрлілігі
Пәннің коды: OZ 1309
Пән атауы: Омыртқалылар зоологиясы
Семестр: 3
Кредит саны:3

Достарыңызбен бөлісу:
1   ...   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   ...   74

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