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to help

to be helped


to be helping



to have helped

to have been helped

Perfect Continuous

to have been helping


Indefinite Infinitiveжалпы осы шаққа және келер шаққа қатысты іс-әрекетті білдіреді: It is interesting to study foreign languages.
Continuous Infinitiveнегізгі етістіктегі іс-әрекетпен бірге болып жатқан созылыңқы іс-әрекет: It was pleasant to be driving the car again.
Perfect Infinitive – негізгі етістіктегі іс-әрекеттен бұрын болған іс-әрекетті білдіреді. He was to have helped her.
Perfect Continuous Infinitive – өткен шақта басталып жәнәлі болып жатқан іс-әрекетті білдіреді. It’s terrible to have been waiting for her so long.

Сөйлемдегі қызметі
1. Бастауыш. To skate is pleasant.
2. Баяндауыш. Your duty is to inform me about it.
3. Толықтауыш. I asked him to help me.
4. Анықтауыш. He expressed a desire to help me.
5. Пысықтауыш. I went to the station to see off a friend.

Келесі етістіктерден кейін инфинитив to-мен қолданылады:

to agree to offer to decide to appear to forget to refuse to attempt
to plan to seem to promise to manage to arrange to dar to learn(how)
to pretend to threaten to fail to hope to afford to tend to want
to like

Objective with the Infinitive
Объективті инфинитивті орам
Инфинитив зат есім немесе есімдікпен келсе, құрмалас толықтауыш қызметін атқаратын инфинитивтік орам жасайды. Яғни, ол зат есім немесе объектілі септіктегі есімдік және инфинитивтен тұрады.

  1. Сезімді қабылдау етістіктерінен кейін (Инфинитив to - сіз): to see, to hear, to feel, to watch, to notice, to observe, to perceive. I saw him cross the street.

  2. Талап немесе тілекті білдіретін етістіктерден кейін (Инфинитив to- мен): to want, to wish, to like, to hate, to desire, to intend. He wants me to come on Sunday.

  3. Ойлау қабілетін білдіретін етістіктерден кейін (Инфинитив to – мен): to know, to believe, to think, to consider, to expect. We believe him to finish the work in 2 days.

  4. Сөйлеу қабілетін білдіретін етістіктерден кейін (Инфинитив to –мен): to tell, to ask, to order, to command, to allow. The captain ordered him to come early.

  5. Іс-әрекет жасауға түрткі болатын етістіктерден кейін (Инфинитив to- сіз, to –мен): to let, to make, to have, to get. She made him drink some milk.

Бекіту жаттығулары

Жаттығу №1
Инфинитивтің алдына қажетті жерге «to» қосымшасын қойыңыз.
1. She want___ play the piano on the party.
2. We can___ speak English and German.
3. You have___ work hard because you want_ be rich.
4. I want___ travel around the world.
5. The students should _ study very well to be professionals.
6. May I___ come in?
7. They heard _ her words.
8. He would rather ____ find another trip, because this one is not interesting.
9. He did not want___ play tennis any more.
10. Would you like ___ try my apple pie

Жаттығу №2
Етістікті дұрыс формаға қойыңыз — инфинитив немесе герундий.
Please remember to post (post) this letter.
John intends to buy (or buying) (buy) a house.
1. We tried __________ (put) the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire-brigade.
2. When you see Tom, remember __________ (give) him my regards, won’t you?
3. What do you intend ___________ (do) about this problem?
4. Someone must have taken my bag. I clearly remember ________ (leave) it by the window and now it has gone.
5. When she saw what had happened, she began ____________ (laugh) loudly.
6. Sue needed some money. She tried ________ (ask) Gerry but he couldn’t help her.
7. He tried _________________ (reach) the shelf but he wasn’t tall enough.
8. “Did you remember _____________ (phone) Ann?” “Oh no, I completely forgot.”
Жаттығу №3
Инфинитив бастауыш қызметін атқарып тұрған сөйлемдерді табыңыз. Сөйлемдерді аударыңыз.
1. The task jf the police was to find the thief and recover the stolen property.
2. The expert supposes that both crimes might have been committed by the same person.
3. The first person to be interviewed was the eye – witness of the road accident.
4. To fight crime is the task not only of the Militia but of the whole population as well.
5. The investigator was to have solved the crime.

Жаттығу №4
Инфинитивтің формасы мен сөйлемдегі қызметін анықтаңыз. Сөйлемдерді аударыңыз.
1. In the middle of the 19th century the colonial policy of the British Government was to transform Australia into a producer of cheap wool and meat for Britain.
2. In order to begin prosecution it is necessary to have evidence establishing the fact of the commission of the crime.
3. The case was to be considered as soon as possible.
4. One of the basic problems to be solved by criminological research is how the social structure affects human behaviour.
5. The duty of the state is to provide education to all its citizens.

Есімше І, ІІ

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