ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1(57), 2018
students, the analysis of these actions, evaluation of performance, adjusting workloads, and direction of the
conduct involved, relationships, etc.
Physical activity is divided into three parts: preparatory, main and final (see Table 1). They are mandatory
and are always located in the sequence listed. The selection of these parts is conditioned by certain
physiological and pedagogical regularities. It provides strictly gradual inclusion of functional systems of the
body engaged in core activities, also maintenance and effective use of achieved efficiency for the entire time
of homework and finally the optimal alignment of the state of the body of child and the psychological setup
for the next training [5-8].
The tasks of the preparatory segment: a) primary organization of students, familiarization with the
upcoming work and creation the required psychological installation; b) the gradual functional training of the
student to high loads; the creation of a favorable emotional state.
In the preparatory part of the lesson using a variety of physical exercises techniques, which are already
well mastered by the students. Most often it is different exercises, some gymnastic exercises of general
preparatory character, different ways of walking, running and continuous rhythmic jumps performed from
gradually increasing, but relatively moderate load.
The tasks of the main part of the lesson are: a) harmonic and special development of the musculoskeletal,
cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the establishment and maintenance of correct posture, the hardening
of the body; b) students have the necessary knowledge in the field of motor activity, improvement of the
system of motor abilities and skills; с) development of motor skills; g) raising the moral, intellectual and
volitional qualities. In the main part of the study any exercises that serve as effective solution of these
problems may be applied.
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