ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1(57), 2018 226
the principles of axiologity and empathity determine the content of the experience of an emotionally
volitional attitude toward the world, to each other, which is the condition for the formation of a value system
in the personality, by the presence of axiological accents in the content of a culturological model and by the
expression by the pupil of an emotional value attitude to the world and himself.
It turns out that the principles of the culturological model are closely and completely interconnected with
the culturological conception of the education content, and therefore are reliable and valid.
This analysis gives grounds to believe that the principles of the culturological model of the school text-
book content are scientifically grounded and have been worked out in accordance with the actual progressive
and scientifically recognized norms of the cultuological conception of the education content of
V.V. Krayevskii, I.Ya. Lerner and M.N. Skatkin.
The functions of the school text-book define the entire functional base of the text-book itself and are an
organic and integral component of the model for creating a text-book. Based on the principles of the
culturological model of the school text-book content, we determine the following functions of the content
projected through the text-book: axiological (principles of axiologity and empathity), transmitting (the
principle of contextuality), ontological (principles of problematics and dialogicality, dialecticality and
polysemity) and personal-creative (principles of personality-centeredness, meaningfulness and reflexivity).
The text-book, performing these functions, implements the system of principles of the culturological
model, the introduction of which into the training practice actualizes the personality-development potential
of its content.
Having worked out modern theories of text-books creating (modeling, projection and construction), based
on the requirements for the development of text-books and taking into account the modern challenges of the
society, we developed a culturological model of the school text-book content as the core of the conception,
ensuring the implementation of the ontological approach. The model for constructing the culturological
content of the text-book is expressed in the implementation of:
- a number of actual pedagogical regularities: public needs and education aims; rates of social and
scientific and technical progress; schoolchildren‘s age opportunities; the development level of the education
theory and practice; material and technical and economic opportunities of educational institutions;
- the complex of the content-instrumental principles of introducing culturologity into the educational
content: axiologity, empathity, contextuality, problematics and dialogicality, dialecticality and polysemity,
personality-centeredness, meaningfulness and reflexivity;
- a complex of innovative functions of the text-book, actualizing the personality-developing potential of
its content: axiological, transmitting, ontological, personal-creative.
The culturological model of the school text-book content in the content of the modern school text-book
itself should be reflected in the whole structure of the text-book: as in external, visible (tasks, illustrations,
orientation apparatus, etc.), and in internal (style of presentation, context, address to personally significant
issues, etc.), ensuring the implementation of the principles and functions of the culturological model of the
educational content.
Conclusions on this work:
- a culturological model of the school text-book content was developed, based on a number of actual
pedagogical regularities, a complex of content-instrumental principles and innovative functions of the text-
book in accordance with the conception of the ontological approach;
- three groups of modern principles of the education content development were revealed: modeling,
projection and construction.
Thus, the presented culturological model of the school text-book content is universal. Its components
serve as a material not only for the content projection (for example, by authors of programmes, text-books,
educational and methodical aids, by developers of lessons, etc.), but also for expert analysis of the
educational, developing potential of educational materials, of influence on the development of the
culturological component of the personality. The text-book is the most important intermediary, the backbone
element in the bundle ―the education content - the educational process‖, the text-book content largely
determines the aims, ways to achieve them and the effectiveness of the forthcoming educational process.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-ң ХАБАРШЫСЫ «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №1(57), 2018 227
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