Әдептілікке тәрбиелеу (оқу-әдістемелік құрал) Дайындаған: Қапарова Ж. У

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Иванова Татьяна Борисовна,
ассоциированный профессор,
кандидат педагогических наук, доцент.

Review on a methodical manual of Kaparova Zhamilya Ualikhanovna.
«The use of methods and receptions of technology of TRIZ is in the educational process of preschool establishment»

The manual presented to criticizing is theoretical research and practical experience of approbation of one of main modern directions of activity of teacher of preschool establishment is the use of innovative technologies in education.

Long-term creative experience of KaparovaZhamilyaUalikhanovna as an educator of kindergarten №14 «Gull» of Kokshetau allowed to do this manual actual, accessible and methodically reasonable.
The theoretical materials compendia presented in him, developments of paternal collections in combination with well and by the consistently expounded theoretical material, present a value, both from the point of view of preschool pedagogics and from the point of view of methodical innovations. Theoretical material, compendia of employments, presented below, is built with an account requirement on introduction of TRIZ to technology and decision of main task of pedagogical process in preschool establishment to forming of the personality intellectually developed, thinking, creative and all-round developed. Interest presents additional cognitive and illustration material compendia of employments, scenarios of holidays and events, games. The concept of innovative technology is all-round considered. Specific methods and receptions are exposed on the example of games, playing exercises, receptions.
Large attention is presented by a head №3, bright colourful illustrations helping the logically reasonable, argued conclusion on results work of author.
Educator presented all directions works in preschool establishment, providing effectiveness of experimental activity. Research is of interest for educators, teachers of additional education, teachers-psychologists of preschool establishments, parents and students of pedagogical specialities.

Associated professor, candidate
of pedagogical sciences, associate professor.

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