Түйін сөздер: ауыр атлетика, пауэрлифтинг, төзімділік.
INCREASING OF ATHLETES (ON THE EXAMPLE OF WEIGHTLIFTING) T.B. Iskakov ‒ Head of the Department of Boxing and Weightlifting of the Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism, Almaty
A.S. Baltina ‒ 2nd-year doctoral student of the Department of Boxing and Weightlifting of the Kazakh Academy of Sport
and Tourism, Almaty
Annotation . Weightlifting with the help of a sport is looking for ways to increase physical endurance and tighten links.
As you know, under the influence of muscle load increases muscle strength and its long-term performance. These facts arouse
interest in development of the proportionality of the strength and personality of young powerlifters. During stiffening, they
provide for the prevention of a decrease in other high-speed, hardy and elastic properties of the body. It is necessary to create a
methodological process aimed at increasing strength and strong development.