Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:
comprise of, v
encourage, v
glomerulus, n
lupus, n
sophisticated, adj
tubule, n
quarts, n
кварта (1,13 л)
Exercise 2. Read the abstract and remember the main information about kidneys. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the table:
surrounded by, third lumbar vertebrae, a tough, fibrous, the urinary system, connective renal capsule, filter blood, lies
Kidnyes are the primary organs of …………. They are the organs that ……….., remove wastes, excrete wastes in the urine, and perform the functions of the urinary system. The paired kidneys are located between the twelfth thoracic and ……….., one on each side of the vertebral column. The right kidney usually …… lower than the left one. Each kidney is held in place by connective tissue and is …… a thick layer of adipose tissue. ………… closely envelopes each kidney and provides support for the soft tissue that is inside.
Exercise 3. Match the following Ukrainian word combinations with their English equivalents:
печіння під час сечовипускання
to pass out of the body through the urethra
складна система видалення відходів
to remove waste products and excess water
низький рівень калію в крові
a burning sensation while urinating
видаляти шлаки і зайву воду
cloudy urine with blood or pus
простір між нирковими канальцями
a sophisticated waste removal system
виходити з організму через сечівник
low potassium in your blood
сприяти інфекції
spaces between the renal tubules
каламутна сеча з кров'ю чи гноєм
to encourage an infection
Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:
Kidneys are our body’s filters which are a sophisticated waste removal system comprised of two bean-shaped organs. Every day our hard working kidneys process 200 quarts of blood and remove two quarts of waste products and excess water. If the kidneys suddenly become inflamed, there will develop a condition called acute nephritis. Acute nephritis has several causes and can lead to kidney failure.
There are several types of acute nephritis. They are:
Interstitial Nephritis
In interstitial nephritis, the spaces between the renal tubules that form urine become inflamed. The kidneys swell from the inflammation. This type is often caused by an allergic reaction to a medication or antibiotic. An allergic reaction is the body’s immediate response to a foreign substance.
Other causes include the following: having low potassium in your blood (potassium is a mineral that helps regulate many functions in the body, including metabolism); taking medications for long periods of time may damage the tissues of the kidneys.
Pyelonephritis is an infection in the bladder that travels up the ureters and spreads into the kidneys. Ureters are two tubes that transport urine from each kidney to the bladder, the muscular organ that holds urine until it passes out of the body through the urethra. The majority of pyelonephritis infections occur from the bacteria Escherichia coli, which is found in the intestine.
Although bacterial infections are the leading causes of pyelonephritis, there are other possible causes: urinary examinations that use a cystoscope (an instrument that looks inside the bladder); surgery on the bladder, kidneys, or ureters; the formation of kidney stones.
This type of acute nephritis produces inflammation in the glomeruli. Glomeruli are the tiny capillaries that transport blood and behave as filtering units. Damaged and inflamed glomeruli may not filter the blood properly.
The main cause of this type of kidney infection is unknown. However, some conditions may encourage an infection: having problems in the immune system; having a history of cancer; having an abscess that breaks and travels to your kidneys through your blood circulation.
Certain people are at greater risk for acute nephritis. The risk factors include: a family history of kidney disease and infection; having an immune system disease, such as lupus; taking too many antibiotics or pain medications; recent surgery in the urinary tract.
The symptoms will vary depending on the type of acute nephritis the patient has. The most common symptoms for all three types of acute nephritis are: pain in the pelvis, pain or a burning sensation while urinating, frequent need to urinate, cloudy urine, blood or pus may be present in urine, pain in the kidney area and/or abdomen, swelling in the body, commonly in the face, legs, and feet, vomiting, fever, high blood pressure.
Various diagnostic tests may be needed to confirm a case of acute nephritis. These tests include the following: a biopsy of the kidneys (a biopsy is a small tissue sample taken from an organ and examined in a laboratory setting); urine and blood testing (these tests detect location of bacteria and signs of infection); a CT scan may be used to take pictures of your pelvis and abdomen.
Antibiotics and pain relievers may be used if a patient has pyelonephritis. If high blood pressure is present, the patient may need calcium channel blockers. Corticosteroids or other immune suppressing medications may also be administered.
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