Exercise 5. Answer the questions: What is the role of kidneys in the human body?
What happens when the kidneys inflame?
How many types of acute nephritis are there?
Give brief information for all types of acute nephritis (general characteristics, causes).
Name the risk factors for acute nephritis.
List the most common symptoms for all three types of nephritis.
What diagnostic tests may be needed to confirm a case of acute nephritis?
What medications may be administered to patients with acute nephritis?
Exercise 6. Translate the word combinations into English: To be comprised of two bean-shaped organs; to lead to kidney failure; to swell from the inflammation; response to a foreign substance; to travel up the ureters; to pass out of the body through the urethra; formation of kidney stones; to behave as filtering units; an immune system disease, such as lupus; pain in the pelvis; cloudy urine with blood or pus; to confirm a case of acute nephritis.
Exercise 7. Match the following terms with their definitions:
excreting urine
a very large group of microorganisms comprising one of the three domains of living organisms
an abnormally high body temperature accompanied by fast pulse rate, dry skin etc.
hard rock-like formations consisting of minerals and other waste material
kidney stones
any manipulation of the body or one of its organs to repair damage, arrest the progress of disease, remove foreign matter
inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis
a condition characterized by acute spasmodic abdominal pain