Exercise 6. Answer the questions: 1. What is pyelonephritis?
2. What are the possible causes of the disease?
3. How many forms are there of pyelonephritis?
4. What are the symptoms of acute pyelonephritis?
5. How does chronic pyelonephritis manifest itself?
6. What can chronic pyelonephritis lead to?
7. What investigations are performed to determine pyelonephritis?
8. How is pyelonephritis treated?
Exercise 7. What symptom of pyelonephritis is described? 1. presence of protein in the urine
2. constant high blood pressure
3. slight shaking of the body due to illness
4. dark waste product of kidneys
5. presence of blood cells in the urine
6. feeling of being slightly ill
7. condition of the body when its temperature increases
8. presence of bacteria in the urine
Exercise 8. Insert the necessary preposition: 1. Following … a strict diet means to avoid spicy and fatty food.
2. The patient experienced dull pain … the side of the affected kidney.
3. The presence of urine waste products … the body leads … urosepsis.
4. Some of genitourinary disease are accompanied … painful urination.
5. The urinalysis was carried … yesterday, so you’ll find out your results soon.
6. The treatment of pyelonephritis consists … removing the underlying cause.
7. He bent forward to pick up the pill and suddenly felt obtuse pain … the loins.
8. To prevent the disease … recurrence, it is necessary to complete the course of treatment.
Exercise 9. Put questions to the underlined words: 1. Chronic pyelonephritis leads to kidney failure.
2. Two forms of pyelonephritis are distinguished.
3. Pyelonephritis implies an ascending urinary tract infection.
4. Bacteria causing the UTI penetrate into the body through urethra.
5. Cystitis, glomerular nephritis, urorolithiasis may result in pyelonephritis.
6. The signs of urinary tract infections are haematuria, albuminuria, bacteriuria.
7. Appropriate antibiotics relieve the inflammatory process in the kidney.
8. The urine is cloudy and bloody as there are bacteria, protein, and erythrocytes in it.