Exercise 12. Open the brackets put the verbs into the appropriate tense
1. Kidney stones (to result) from the growth of crystal into stones.
2. Nephrolithiasis (to be) more common in men.
3. Dietary restrictions (not to advice) in nephrolithiasis.
4. Diuretics sometimes (to administer) to treat kidney stones.
5. Treatment of acute stones events (to depend) on the size of the stone.
6. Many patients who (to have) a kidney stone, (to have) another one.
7. Calcium stones usually (to cause) by high intake of certain substances, such as salt.
8. This patient (to complain) of frequent and painful urination for 10 days.
Exercise 13. Read the definition and fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets:
1. Any non-inflammatory degenerative kidney disease - …. .
2. Pain in a kidney - … .
3. A medical instrument for examination the urethra - … .
4. Surgical removal of a kidney - … .
5. Plastic surgery on the pelvis - … .
6. Any pelvis disease - … .
( Pyeloplasty, nephrosis, nephralgia, urethroscope, pyelitis, nephrectomy)
Exercise 14. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Ниркова коліка виникає, коли камінь закупорює сечовід.
2. Повторна закупорка сечоводу може призвести до піонефрозу чи гідронефрозу.
3. Доведено, що велике каміння може призвести до руйнування та повної втрати нирки.
4. Ниркова коліка супроводжується нестерпним болем, нудотою, блюванням та частим сечовипусканням.
5. Щоб виявити камені в нирках, аналіз крові та сечі призначається.
6. Деякі ліки можуть попередити утворення каменів або допомогти роздробити існуючі.
7. Іноді камені можуть бути присутні в нирках протягом кількох років без ніяких симптомів.
8. Хірургічне втручання необхідне, якщо камені дуже великі.
Exercise 15. Read and try to guess what this dialogue is about:
Doctor: Are you having any trouble with your waterworks?
Mr. Jones: Well , I do seem to have to go to the toilet more often that I used to.
Doctor: How often is that?
Mr. Jones: It depends, but sometimes it’s every hour or even more often.
Doctor: What about at night? Do you have to get up at night?
Mr. Jones: Yes. Nearly always two or three times.
Doctor: Do you get any burning or pain when you pass water?
Mr. Jones: No, not usually.
Doctor Do you have any trouble getting started?
Mr. Jones: No.
Doctor: Is the stream normal? I mean is there still a good strong flow?
Mr. Jones: Perhaps not quite so good as it used to be.
Doctor: Do you ever lose control of your bladder? Any leaking or dribbling?
Mr. Jones: Well, perhaps a little dribbling from time to time.
Doctor: Have you ever passed blood in the urine?
Mr. Jones: No, never.
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