Дайте відповіді на наступні питання:
What types of enlargement of thyroid gland do you know?
What are the reasons that can cause goiter?
What can be the result of goiter if it is not treated?
What should a doctor do when a patient has an excess of hormones?
How much iodine does a person need daily?
3. Дайте визначення: Зоб
1. A goitre is … of the thyroid gland.
a) mental impairment b) inflammation c) noncancerous enlargement
d) calcium deficiency e) diminution
2. Iodism is a … condition.
a) frequent b) rare c) periodic d) chronic e) acute
3. The most common cause of goitre is … .
a) overweight b) lack of iron c) lack of calcium d) underweight
e) lack of iodine
4. Iodine is required for the production of … .
a) erythrocytes b) leucocytes c) thyroid hormones d) thrombocytes
e) proteins
5. Brain disorders have been reduced by using … fortified with iodine.
a) iron b) calcium c) vitamin D d) meat e) table salt
6. Adults require at least … micrograms of iodine daily.
a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 20 e) 30
7. Iodine deficiency affects mainly …
a) physical condition b) mental sphere c) movement
d) running e) diet habits
8. … is excellent source of iodine.
a) wet soil b) vegetables; c) fruit; d) seafood e) vitamins
9. A lack of sufficient iodine in the diet is a result of …
a) wet soil b) dry soil c) uncultivated soil
d) iodine-poor soil e) soil rich in fertilizers
10. Thyroid hormones regulate … .
a) respiratory functions b) body’s metabolism c) reproduction
d) excretory function e) mental activities
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