Exercise 15. Translate the following word combinations into English:
З медичної точки зору; лімфатична система та кровоток; поведінка; профілактика раку; загальний скринінг; перш за все; зменшувати шанси; виявити злоякісну пухлину; мазок Папаниколау; кидати курити; зменшувати ризик; тісно звязаний з поведінкою; ймовірність захворювання на рак; гістологічне дослідження; зразок тканини; медичне зображення; відсутність фізичної активності; вражати; забруднювачі навколишнього середовища; генетичні помилки (дефект, вада) в клітинах; небезпечний для життя; нерегульований ріст клітин; вражати (про хворобу); самостійне обстеження грудей; ожиріння; доброякісна неоплазма; залозиста тканина.
Test Cancer, known medically as …, is a broad group of various diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth.
a) a benign neoplasm b) a malignant neoplasm c) a non-cancerous neoplasm d) a cancerous neoplasm e) a neoplasm
The cancer may also … more distant parts of the body through the lymphatic system or bloodstream.
a) spreads to b) spread to c) to spread to
d) spreading to e) being spread to
There are over … different known cancers that afflict human the most of them may be classified into five broad groups.
a) 2 b) 20 c) 200 d) 202 e) 222
… are cancers that begin in the bone marrow and often accumulate in the bloodstream.
a) sarcoma b) lymphoma c) leukemia d) leukemias e) adenoma
Many things are known …. the risk of cancer, including tobacco use, certain infections, radiation, lack of physical activity, obesity, and environmental pollutants.
a) increase b) increasing c) to have increased
d) to be increased e) to increase
Approximately …. of cancers are entirely hereditary.
a) five to five percent b) five to twenty percent c) five to two percent
d) five to ten percent e) five to six percent
Most people don't realize that cancer is …. in many cases.
a) unpreventable b) preventable c) preventive
d) protective e) unpresentable
Cancers that are closely linked to certain behaviors are the … to prevent.
a) easiest b) the easiest c) easy d) easier e) the easyest
Some cancer prevention is based on systematic screening …. small irregularities or tumors as early as possible even if there are no clear symptoms present.
a) in order to demonstrate b) in order to develop c) in order to damage
d) in order to delay e) in order to detect
Breast self-examination, mammograms, testicular self-examination, and Pap smears are …. for various cancers.
a) common screening methods b) common searching methods
c) common monitoring methods d) common researching methods
e) common imaging methods