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Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

adenoma, n

[ædi 'nəumə]


benign, adj

[bi 'nain]


cancerous, adj



chemotherapy, n

[ki:mə 'θerəpɪ]


cryotherapy, n

[kraɪəʊ 'θerəpɪ]

кріотерапія(лікування холодом)

curettage, n

[kjʊərɪ 'tɑ:ʒ('retidʒ)]

кюретаж, вискоблювання

dermabrasion, n


видалення дерми

electodesiccation, n


фульгурация (висушування струмом)

fibroid, n


фіброзна пухлина

hemangioma, n

[hi:mənʤi 'əʊmə]

гемангіома, судинний невус

ischaemia, n


місцеве недокрів’я

leiomyoma, n


лейоміома (з гладкої м’язової тканинин)

malignant, adj

[mə 'lignənt]


mole, n



nevus, n


невус, родимка

polypus , n



sclerotherapy, n


склеротерапія(розширення вен)

sheath, n

[ 'ʃi:θ]


uterine, adj



verruca, n



Exercise 2. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements:
Benign tumours are often referred to the terms that contain a prefix related to the cell type in which the tumour originated and a suffix such as – oma (but not -carcinoma, -sarcoma, or -blastoma which are generally cancers). Common prefixes include:
Erythro- (red blood cell)
Hemangio- (blood vessels)
Hepato- (liver)
Lipo- (fat)
Lympho- (white blood cell)
Melano- (pigment cell)
Myelo-( bone marrow)
Myo- (muscle)
Osteo- (bone)
Uro- (bladder)
Retino- (eye)
Neuro- ( brain)

Exercise 3. Find the continuations to complete the following sentences. Read and translate into Ukrainian:

  1. Fibroma…

  2. Melanoma…

  3. Osteoma…

  4. Adenoma…

  5. Rhabdomyoma…

  6. Chondroma…

  7. Seminoma…

  8. Chondroma…

  9. Lipoma…

  10. Teratoma…

    1. … is a benign tumour of cartilage-forming cells.

    2. … are benign tumours of gland-forming cells.

    3. … contain many cell types such as skin, nerve, brain and thyroid.

    4. … is a tumour of pigmented skin cells.

    5. ….is a tumour of male reproductive cells.

    6. … is a benign tumour derived from fibrous connective tissue.

    7. … is a benign tumour of striated muscle.

    8. … is a common benign tumour composed of fatty tissue.

    9. … is a benign cartilaginous growth or neoplasm.

    10. … is a benign tumour composed of bone or bonelike tissue.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following word – combinations:
A benign tumor; a mass of cells; the ability to invade; to be defined as; a slower growth rate; an outer surface; fibrous sheath; uterine fibroids; to produce negative health effects; to cause nerve damage; an enclosed space; overproduce certain hormones; adrenocortical adenomas; a process known as tumour progression; the most effective approach; to shrink blood vessels; to cut off the blood supply; not life-threatening; cosmetic concerns; do not respond to chemotherapy or radiation therapy; under certain circumstances

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:
A benign tumor is a mass of cells that lacks the ability to invade neighboring tissue or metastasize. These characteristics are required for a tumor to be defined as cancerous and therefore benign tumors are non-cancerous. Also, benign tumors generally have a slower growth rate than malignant tumors and the tumor cells are usually more differentiated (cells have normal features). Benign tumors are typically surrounded by an outer surface (fibrous sheath of connective tissue) or remain with the epithelium. Common examples of benign tumors include moles, nevi, warts, birthmarks, polypi and uterine fibroids (leiomyomas).
Although benign tumors will not metastasize or locally invade tissues, some types may still produce negative health effects. The growth of benign tumors produce a "mass effect" that can compress tissues and may cause nerve damage, reduction of blood to an area of the body (ischaemia), tissue death (necrosis) and organ damage. The mass effects of tumors are more prominent if the tumor is within an enclosed space such as the cranium, respiratory tract, sinus or inside bones. Tumors of endocrine tissues may overproduce certain hormones, especially when the cells are well differentiated. Examples include thyroid and adrenocortical adenomas.
Although most benign tumors are not life-threatening, many types of benign tumors have the potential to become cancerous (malignant) through a process known as tumor progression. For this reason and other possible negative health effects, some benign tumors are removed by surgery.
Some benign tumors need no treatment; others may be removed if they cause problems such as seizures, discomfort or cosmetic concerns. Surgery is usually the most effective approach and is used to treat most benign tumors. In some case other treatments may be of use. Adenomas of the rectum may be treated with sclerotherapy, a treatment in which chemicals are used to shrink blood vessels in order to cut off the blood supply. Most benign tumors do not respond to chemotherapy or radiation therapy, although there are exceptions; benign intracranial tumors are sometimes treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy under certain circumstances. Radiation can also be used to treat hemangiomas in the rectum. Benign skin tumors are usually surgically dissected but other treatments such as cryotherapy, curettage, electrodesiccation, laser therapy, dermabrasion, chemical peeling and topical medication are used.
To prevent the development of any tumors we should undergo systematic screening in order to detect small irregularities or tumors as early as possible even if there are no clear symptoms present. Breast self-examination, mammograms, testicular self-examination, and Pap smears are common screening methods for various tumors.

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