English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 5. Answer the questions to the text

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Exercise 5. Answer the questions to the text:
1. When may the brain activity be disrupted?
2. What are the most common symptoms of neuroses?
3. What is the principal difference between the neurotic patients and those with psychoses?
4. What physical symptoms are common in anxiety?
5. What do phobias mean?
6. What phobias do you know?
7. What do individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder generally suffer from?
8. What group of neuroses does hysteria belong to?

Exercise 6. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations:
Повна втрата зв’язку з реальністю; надмірна стимуляція діяльності головного мозку; невроз нав’язливих станів; розширені зіниці; бліда шкіра і тремтіння; відкритий чи замкнений простір; часте миття рук; нав’язлива поведінка; позбутися тривожних думок; проявлятися у фізичних симптомах; сліпота і глухота; зосередитися на уявних хворобах; втратити самоконтроль; всепоглинаючий страх.

Exercise 7. Find out the wrong use of words and change them by the proper ones:
1. Sweating, enlarged blood pressure, and trembling may not be caused by organic diseases.
2. The changes in the bones resulted from calcium insufficiency.
3. The normal palpitation of the adult is 72-80 beats per min.
4. Psychoneurotic disorders are relatively easy mental illnesses that are not caused by organic diseases.
5. He had to visit his dentist to extract an ill tooth.
6. Blindness, paralysis, and deafness are the often symptoms in hysteria.
7. Elevated heart rate, sweating, pale skin, increased pupils may be the manifestations of neuroses.
8. The neurotic persons can’t hand their emotions and feelings.

Exercise 8. Find out the grammar mistakes and correct them:
1. Children may to form serious neurotic disorders.
2. Neurosis is characterized by feelings of unhappiness or distress.
3. What kind of fears may experience persons with phobias?
4. A person’s functioning in virtually any area of his life may be impair by psychoneurotic disorders.
5. Does elevated blood pressure may be symptom of anxiety?
6. Persons with psychoses suffers from the loss of the sense of reality.
7. The patients, which suffer from conversion neuroses, may be focused on an imagined illness.
8. What do a pyromaniac gains a sense of happiness from?

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