English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 12. Translate into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Infinitives

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Exercise 12. Translate into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Infinitives:

  1. To identify the virus causing human influenza serologic tests are made.

  2. The tumor to be removed is benign.

  3. It is difficult to do it in such a short period of time.

  4. Please close the window so as not to catch cold.

  5. I had nothing to give him for his headache.

  6. To treat advances cases of malignant tumours is very difficult.

  7. His aim was to master English.

  8. I stopped there in order to rest a little.

Exercise 13. Translate the sentences using Infinitive:

  1. Щоб виписати цього хворого, ми повиннi мати всi аналiзи.

  2. Лiкар приписав судинорозширювальнi препарати, щоб знизити тиск.

  3. Медсестра зробила пацieнту iн’екцiю знеболюваного, щоб вiн змiг заснути.

  4. Молодому лiкарю було важко поставити дiагноз.

  5. Вiдомо, що у нього вражена значна частина мозкy в результатi iнсульту.

  6. Вiн не мiг рухати кiнцiвками правоi сторони два мiсяцi тому.

  7. Антитромбоцитарнi лiки назначають, щоб запобiгти повторного iнсульту.

  8. Хворий не мiг говорити i формулювати мову у зв’язку з дисфункцieю мозку.

Exercise 14. Read the case and its study based upon the patient’s symptoms. answer the questions below:
A 77-year-old woman was cooking in the kitchen when she collapsed onto the floor. Her daughter called an ambulance and the woman was taken to the emergency room. She had suffered a stroke, and slowly regained consciousness over the next two days. However, when she woke up, she had the following signs and symptoms paralysis of the right face and arm- loss of sensation to touch on the skin of the right face and arm; inability to answer questions but ability to understand what was said to her; ability to write down her thoughts more easily than to speak them.
Solving the clinical problem
Based upon the patient's symptoms, which cerebral artery was blocked?
The loss of all sensation on the right face and arm, coupled with the paralysis of muscles in these regions suggests that this woman suffered damage to the lateral portions of her left frontal and parietal lobes. Specifically, damage to the face and arm regions of the left somatosensory and primary motor cortices would cause these deficits. Damage on the left side of her brain causes right-sided symptoms since the motor and sensory tracts cross the mid-line as they travel between the cerebrum and the spinal cord. The language disorder that this patient has is called Broca's (expressive) aphasia, and it may result from damage to the dominant Broca's motor speech area, a control center that sits just anterior to the face portion of the primary motor cortex in the left frontal lobe. The artery that supplies blood to these regions is the superior division of the left middle cerebral artery. Blockage of this artery by a thrombus or embolism could cause all of this patient's signs and symptoms.

  1. Which lobe of the brain, the right or the left one, was damaged? What symptoms indicate that?

  2. Damage to what portion of the left lobe caused the language disorder? How is the area responsible for the language function called?

  3. What artery was blocked?

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