English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

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Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

  1. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення:

  1. неспроможнiсть рухатись

  2. уражена зона мозку

  3. розрив кровоносних судин

  4. субарахноiдальний крововилив

  5. порушення кровопостачання

  6. пiдвищений внутрiшньочерепний тиск

  7. втрата свiдомостi

  8. миготлива аритмiя

  9. попереднiй iнсульт

  10. профiлактика рецидиву

  1. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання:

  1. What is the cause of a stroke?

  2. What are the manifestations of CVA?

  3. What are the risk factors for stroke?

  4. What is hemorrhagic transformation?

  5. How does the onset of hemorrhagic stroke differ from that of the ischemic one?

  1. Розкрийте поняття: iнсульт, афазiя

1. Stroke can be due to … .
a) cerebral ischemia b) paralysis
c) inability to see one side of the visual field
d) dizziness e) thirst

2. A stroke is … .

a) a chronic brain disease b) a medical emergency
c) paralysis of limbs d) neoplasm e) ulcer

3. Strokes can be divided into two types: … .

a) acute and chronic b) acute and hemorrhagic
c) ischemic and hemorrhagic
d) primary and secondary e) hereditary and nonhereditary

4. The most common predisposed factors for stroke are … .

a) hypertension, diabetes, smoking b) atrial fibrillation, hypotension, vomiting
c) hemiparesis, old age, aphasia d) tenderness, rupture, malaise
e) numbness, fever, constipation

5. Loss of consciousness, headache, and vomiting usually occurs more often in … because of the increased intracranial pressure from the leaking blood compressing the brain.

a) cerebral thrombosis b) cerebral ischemia c) cerebral hemorrhage
d) cerebral tumour e) hemiparesis

6. A 75-year-old woman (to wash up) in the kitchen when she (to fall down) onto the floor.

a) washes up …. falls down b) was washing up …. fell down
c) was washing up …. was falling down d) washed up … had fallen down
e) is washing up … has fallen down

7. The doctor asked the patient … .

a) whether she had taken all prescribed remedies
b) she took all prescribed remedies
c) if she was taken all prescribed remedies
d) if she takes all prescribed remedies
e) whether she will take all prescribed remedies

8. He asked … .

a) how is the affected area of the brain called
b) how was the affected area of the brain called
c) how the affected area of the brain was called
d) how will the affected area of the brain be called
e) how the affected area of the brain had been called

9. The language disorder may result … damage to the dominant Broca's motor speech area.

a) of b) to c) from d) at e) in

10. Damage … Broca's motor speech area leads to aphasia.

a) on b) of c) to d) from e) at

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