English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 11. Translate the words given in italics into English. Translate the whole sentences into your native language

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Exercise 11. Translate the words given in italics into English. Translate the whole sentences into your native language:
1. The patient complained of the pain that супроводжувалася нудотою.
2. Закреп was relieved with the administration of laxatives.
3. The operation on acute appendicitis проводилася under загальна aneasthesia.
4. Закупорка of the appendix lumen was the cause of nausea, pains and vomiting.
5. The surgeon видалив the appendix to prevent its розрив.
6. Suppurative appendicitis may cause ускладнення such as peritonitis.
7.Peritonitis is загрозлива для життя інфекція with високим рівнем смертності.
8. Acute appendicitis usually починається з хворобливістю in the abdominal cavity.

Exercise 12. Put the words from the box instead of synonyms in the sentences:

Tenderness, obstruction, rupture, mortality, constipation, vomiting, nausea, recovery

  1. The blockage of the appendix lumen caused unbearable pains and fever.

  2. Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading factors of deaths in the world nowadays.

  3. The disease is accompanied by severe soreness in the abdominal cavity.

  4. One of the most frequent complications of an acute appendicitis can be the burst of appendix that can lead to peritonitis.

  5. Retention of feces is one of the symptoms of acute appendicitis.

  6. The patient with indigestion complained of retching and diarrhea.

  7. Sickness can be a side effect of many medications including cancer chemotherapy, or morning sickness in early pregnancy.

  8. Full convalescence of acute appendicitis can occur after four - six weeks of treatment.

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