Environment-қоршаған орта Global warming-әлемдік жылу

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Ағылшын сессия жауаптары


1) Environment-қоршаған орта

2)Global warming-әлемдік жылу
3)Ocean trash-мұхит қоқысы
4) Forest fires-орман өрті
6)Overpopulation-халықтың көбеюі
7)Ozone layer-озон қабаты
10)Resource depletion-ресурстардың сарқылуы
12)Greenhouse effect- булану эффектісі
13)Living creatures- тірі жан\зат
14)Over crowding-толып кету
15)Carbon dioxide-көмір қышқыл газы
16)Rainforests-тропикалық орман
17)Influence on-әсер ету
19)Deforestation-орманды кесу
20)Fossil fuels-Қазба байлықтары

We are the care takers of the earth.I think everyone should protect and respect the environment .The solution of the problem plant a lot of trees recycling using sun batteries and we have to avoid forest fires, deforestation, ocean trash, using plastics and aerosol sprays we are caretakers of the earth. Nowadays there are a lot environmental problems like air pollution,forest fires , ocean trash deforestation narrowing of the sea.The Government is working to solve such problems.But we have to start protecting the environment from ourselves.And we should keep the surroundings clean and plant trees

Human and nature
1)Remedy-ем 11)Coughs-жөтел
2)Fevers-лихорадка 12)Mixture-қоспа
3)Treat-емдеу 13)Battle-батл
4)Serious- салмақты 14)Garlic-сарымсақ
5)Recovery-қалпына келтіру 15)Drug-дәрі
6)Burns-күйік 16)Malaria- безгек ыстық көтерілу
7)Cuts-порез 17) Heal-емдеу
8)Scar-шрам 18)Pillow-жастық
9)Remarkable- тамаша 19)Heart beat- Жүрек соғысы
10)Stomach-асқазан 20)Aches- ауыру

Human and nature are always closely connected .Because nature has a special place environmental pollution has a negative effect on human health .For example harmful fumes from cars and factories garbage heaps oil waste pollution of lakesand rivers.All this is an environmental problem. Many government works are carried ot to solve this problem every year. Especially cleaning works the use of paper bags

Mass media
1 Mass media- ақпарт\жаңалық 13 target- мақсат
2 speculation- предположения14 good products-жақсы өнім
3 sources- қайнар көз15 buying the product- өнімді сатып алу
4 record- аудиозапись 16 consumer market-тұтынушы нарық
5 privacy- конфидициальность17 ensure-кепілдік
6 Deadline- срок18 printed-баспа
7 bias көндіру19 advertising-жарнама
8 Brand- брэнд 20 consumer-тұтынушы
9 advertising- жарнама
10 advertising campaigns-жарнамалық науқандар
11 brand awareness-брендті білу
12 newspaper- газет

What is the media.It is currently a very necessary and widespread source of information in the 21st century.Mass media is defined as a means of communication that reaches a large audience. This can include television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet. Mass media has become an important part of our society, and it plays a significant role in our lives. There are many different types of mass media, and each one has it’s own unique benefits and drawbacks. Television is a great way to stay informed about current events, but it can also be a time waster. Radio is a great way to stay entertained while you are driving.

Innovation in medicine

1 x ray- рентген 11 cancer-ісік

2 radioactive elements- радиоактивті эл 12 cancer treatment-ісікті емдеу
3 protection-қорғау 13 road accident-жол апаты
4 poor children-байғұс бала 14 potassium-калий
5invent- ойлап табу 15 medical opinion- медициналық пікір
6 invention- өнертабыс 16 receive- получать
7 inventor-өнер тапқыш 17 scientist- ғалым
8 carbon көміртек 18 dangerous қауіпті
9 found- табу 19 broken leg- сынған аяқ
10 broken bone- сынған қол 20 experiment-эксперимент

The 21st century is a period of real development of Medicine.Every year, many different medical inventions are discovered.The more high-quality and effective medical inventions are discovered, the higher the level of Medicine.Now let's talk about inventions invented in the last century.They include, for example: X-ray instrument.Roentgen it was first invented on November 8, 1895 by a German physicist named Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen.X-rays are a very widely used tool today.Because with this device, broken bones can be seen and used in another for the purpose of detecting the disease.

Medical ethics
1. Medical ethics-
2. Healthy care-
3. Medical practice -.
4. principles
5. Specialist-
6. Sociology-
7. values-
8. Physicians-
9. Medication-
10. Ethics-
11Professional standards
12ethical problems
13Dropping insurers
14Covering up a mistake
15 Conflicting
16 healthy risk-
17 ethical issues
18 harming patient
19 medical problems
20 principles ethics
Medical ethics refers to the doctor-patient relationship.In general, speech ethics.It is very important to observe medical ethics, because every word that a doctor says to a patient directly depends on the patient's state of health.Talk about the health system in general.In our country, much attention is paid to the quality of medical care, the patient's condition.Currently, the state has developed projects such as free medicines,free diagnostics, free medical research.The level of Medicine in the country is growing from year to year.and I want to say that in medicine the most important thing is not medicine the most important thing is words
Healthy lifestyle
1 Health diet- салауатты диета
2 healthy life style-салаутты өмір салты
3 coronary heart – коронарлы жүрек
4 go in for sport- спортпен айналысу
5 sleep enough-жеткілікті ұйқы
6 get up early- ерте тұру
7 take a cold shower- салқын душ қабылдау
8 smoke- темекі
9 healthy care-Денсаулық сақтау
10 healthy food- салаутты тағам
11 nutrition- тамақтану
12 healthy problems денсаулық проблемасы
13 immunity- иммунитет
14 fruit-жеміс
15 running-жүгіру
16 drink water- су ішу
17 vitamin витамин
18 bad habits- зиянды әдеттер
19 avoid smoking темекіден аулақ болу20 do yoga- йогамен айналысу

A healthy lifestyle in a way of living that lowers the risk of being seriously ill of dying early .A healthy diet has three main areas of concern food choices hydration and portion control .If you want become healthy:get up early and go to bed early.Wash your hands before eating. Go in for sports sleep enogh. Take a cold shower and air the room.You have to avoid smoking watch tv too long eat too many sweets spend much time indoors.Eat between meals.

Medical service
1 Medical service- мед қызмет
2 healthy care-денс сақтау
3 pharmacies- фармация
4 health insurance- денс саұтандыру
5 hospital аурухана
6 Doctor-дәрігер
7 ambulance- жедел жәрдем
8 private hospital- част больница
9 virus-вирус
10 medical treatment медициналық ем
11 better treatment- жақсы ем
12medical professionals- мед қызметкер
13 public service- мемлекеттік қызмет14 surgery хирургия
15 medical evacuation-медициналық эвакуация
16 national health service- ұлттық денс жүйесі
17 patient-пациент
19 immunity-иммунитет20 first aid-алғашқы көмек

Currently, there are many medical institutions providing medical services, but in general in our country, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, there are two types of medical services.These are state clinics, hospitals and dispensaries.They provide free services to the population.The second type is private medical centers.It includes private clinics and diagnostic centers.Let me tell you about the important Nurse. In our country, it is necessary to pay money for medical care.In case of non-payment of money for health insurance, the service is not provided free of charge

Human body
1 Frontal muscle
2 Skeletal system
3 Muscular system
4 Circulatory system
5 Respiratory system
6 Reproductive system
7 Nervous system
8 Endocrine
9 Skin system
10 Pectoralis major
11 Rectus abdominis
12 Occipital
13 Splenius
14 Trapezium
15 Deltoid
16 Brachial biceps
17Anterior tibia
18 Brachial triceps 19 Cardiac muscle 20 External oblique

The human body is most complex and marvelous organism. The human body consists of millions of tiny cells.There are 10 body systems.1 Skeletal system 2 Muscular system 3 excretory system 4 Circulatory system5 Respiratory system 6 Reproductive system 7 Nervous system 8 Endocrine 9 Skin system 10 digestive system.The human body is an extraordinary organism, comprising a complex network of systems that work together in perfect harmony. It is a masterpiece of biological engineering, capable of remarkable functions and adaptations. In this essay, we will explore the structure, functions, and significance of the human body.

The human body consists of trillions of cells, each with a specific role and function. Cells join together to form tissues, which further organize into organs, and organs work together to create systems. These systems include the skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, and many others
Circulatory system
1 Heart
2 Blood
3 Circulation
4 Heart beat
5 Mitral Valve
6 Pulmonary system
7 Tricuspid valve
8 Aortic valve
9 Left ventricle
10 Right ventricle
11 Left atrium
12 Right atrium
13 Kidney
14 Carbon dioxide
15 Septum
16 venae
17 blood vessels
18 Pump
19 chamber
20 Oxygen

The human body is most complex and marvelous organism. Your heart really a muscle.It is located a little to the middle of your chest and it is about the size of your fist.The heart is made up four different blood filled areas and each of these is called chamber .the heart has a left atrium and a right atrium.And two chambers on the bottom are called ventricles. The heart has a left ventricle and a right ventricle. The circulatory system consists of three main components: the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The heart, a muscular organ, acts as a powerful pump that propels blood throughout the body. It has four chambers - two atria and two ventricles - that work in coordination to ensure efficient blood flow.

Respiratory system
1 Lung
2 Chest
3 Inhale
4 Exhale
5 Breath in
6 Diaphragm
7 Fresh air
8 alveoli
9 trachea
10 Bronchioles
11 Oxygen
12 Carbon dioxide
13 blood vessels
14 red blood sells
16 mouth
17 fill up
18 head
19 capillaries
20 larynx
Breathing air is necessary for keeping humans alive. Your lungs make up one of the largest organs in your body and they work with your respiratory system to allow you to take fresh.Air get rid of stale air and even talk.Your lungsare in your chest and they are so large.The respiratory system is a complex network of organs and tissues that allows for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, enabling the vital process of respiration. It plays a fundamental role in supplying oxygen to every cell in the body and removing waste gases. In this essay, we will explore the structure, functions, and significance of the respiratory system.The respiratory system consists of several key components, including the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. It can be divided into two main parts: the upper respiratory tract, which includes the nose, pharynx, and larynx, and the lower respiratory tract, comprising the trachea, bronchi, and lungs.The primary function of the respiratory system is to facilitate the exchange of gases between the body and the environment. When we inhale, air enters through the nose or mouth and travels down the airway. The air passes through the pharynx, where it is filtered, moistened, and warmed before reaching the larynx.

Digestive system

3) Energy
4) Eat
5) Chew up
10)To Swallow
13) Stomach
16) Cough
17) Liver
18) Gall bladder

The digestive system is an incredible mechanism that allows our bodies to break down food, extract essential nutrients, and eliminate waste. It plays a crucial role in providing the energy and building blocks necessary for growth, development, and overall well-being. In this essay, we will explore the structure, functions, and importance of the digestive system.

The digestive system is composed of a series of organs working together to process food. It begins with the mouth, where the process of digestion begins as we chew and break down food into smaller pieces. The food then travels down the esophagus and enters the stomach, where it is further broken down by stomach acid and digestive enzymes.

Skeletal system

1 Femur
3 sacrum
4 lumbar
6 calcium
7 ligaments
8 bone marrow
9 bone
10 pelvis
11 rib cage
12 joint
13 head
14 skull
15 ulna
16 humerus
17 radius
18 tibia
19 vertebrae
20 sternum

The skeletal system is an incredible framework of bones, cartilage, and connective tissues that provides support, protection, and structure to our bodies. It serves as the foundation for movement, supports vital organs, and plays a crucial role in the production of blood cells. In this essay, we will explore the structure, functions, and importance of the skeletal system.The skeletal system is composed of more than 200 bones in the human body, along with joints, ligaments, and tendons. It can be divided into two main parts: the axial skeleton, which includes the skull, spine, and rib cage, and the appendicular skeleton, which comprises the limbs and their attachments.One of the primary functions of the skeletal system is to provide support and shape to the body. The bones act as a rigid framework, maintaining our body's structure and preventing it from collapsing. Without the skeletal system, we would be a mere puddle of tissues.

Nervous system

1facial nerve
3 vagus nerve
4 spinal cord
5 lumbar plexus
6 brain
7 reflex
8 tibial nerve
9 ganglia
10 perineural
11nerve fiber
12 cubital nerve
13 medial nerve
14 sciatic nerve
15 pain
17 central
18central nervous system
19autonomic function
20 reflex action
Nervous system
The body is most complex system many of whose characteristics and potentialities are still unknown.The nervous system is a complex and intricate network of cells, tissues, and organs that plays a fundamental role in coordinating and controlling the activities of the human body. It serves as the communication and command center, enabling us to perceive and respond to the world around us. From simple reflexes to complex cognitive processes, the nervous system is involved in almost every aspect of our daily lives. In this essay, we will explore the structure, functions, and importance of the nervous system.The nervous system can be divided into two main components: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and the spinal cord, while the PNS includes all the nerves that extend throughout the body. This division allows for efficient processing and transmission of information.

Skin system

1, epidermis
2 acne
3, wound healing,
4, melanoma
5 dermatitis
6 psoriasis,
7 eczema,
8 UV protection
9 sensory receptors
10, pores,
11 hydration
12 elasticity,
13 collagen
14 keratin,
15 melanin,
16 sebaceous glands
17, hair follicles
18, sweat glands
19, dermis
Skin system
The skin system is an incredible and multifaceted organ that covers the entire external surface of our body. It serves as a vital protective barrier, shielding us from the external environment, regulating body temperature, and facilitating our sense of touch. In this essay, we will explore the structure, functions, and importance of the skin system.The skin system consists of three primary layers: the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. The epidermis, the outermost layer, is composed of several layers of cells that provide strength and protection. It also contains melanocytes, which produce melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color and UV protection. Beneath the epidermis lies the dermis, a thicker layer that contains blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, and sweat and sebaceous glands. The dermis provides structural support, elasticity, and nourishment to the skin. Lastly, the hypodermis, also known as the subcutaneous tissue, is made up of fat cells that help insulate the body and provide cushioning.

Endocrine system

2 epiphysis
3 hypophysis
4body regulation
5 hormones,
6 glands,
7 growth,
8 metabolism
9 thyroid, ,
10 diabetes,
11 fertility
12 insulin,
13 estrogen,
14 testosterone,
16 endocrinology
19 balance, ,
Endocrine system
The endocrine system is a remarkable network of glands that work together to regulate and coordinate numerous processes in the human body. Through the production and secretion of hormones, these glands play a vital role in maintaining balance and harmony within our physiological systems. In this essay, we will explore the structure, functions, and significance of the endocrine system.
The endocrine system consists of various glands scattered throughout the body, including the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, and reproductive glands. Each gland has a specific role and releases hormones into the bloodstream, which act as chemical messengers to target cells or organs.

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