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Used literature

  • J. G.Tundisi «Water for life, Water for the Future»

  • Abdullaev I. «Sustainable development in Central Asia»

  • Nurimbetov A. «Development of information system for water resources management»

  • Limnologia by J G Tundisi and T Matsumura Tundisi

Дефицит воды в мире знаком человечеству с древнейших времён, и с последнего десятилетия двадцатого века он постоянно рассматривается как одна из глобальных проблем современности. Сегодня население планеты растёт стремительными темпами, и потребность в воде только возрастает.
Судың тапшылығы әлемде адамзатқа бұрыннан белгілі. Су тапшылығы проблемасы жиырмасыншы ғасырдың соңғы он жылдығынан бастап глобалдық проблема ретінде қарастырылып келеді. Қазіргі таңда халық санның көбеюіне байланысты су қажеттілігі де арта түсті.

Erzhan Arman (China)
Kazakh national University named by Al-Farabi
Scientific director: Sandykbaeva U.D. Ph.D

Good morning my respectful teachers and my fellow schoolmates thank you for sharing the time with me and my speech. I am so honorable to be standing here to deliver my speech. The title of my speech is the differences between British English and American English.

Nowadays English is the one of the most important languages in the world because of its worldwide use. Under the influence of geography, history, cultural and social custom in different areas, until recently, English has been divided into many varieties: Canadian English, Australian English, South African English and so on. British English and American English are the two main varieties of them.
American English is usually defined as the language that is spoken in the United States, American English grew out of British English of the 17th century. British English is the language that spoken in England and the British Empire along with countries owned by that Empire. Both American and British people can generally understand what each other’s saying, but sometimes it is necessary to explain some things. Some words or phrases could be taken the wrong way.
«We need the English Language to enter the global arena. Out of 10 million books published in the world 85% are in English. The science, all the new developments and information – they are all in English nowadays» said by the President Nursultan Nazarbayev.
It can be seen the importance of learning English,but as the non-native English speakers, most of the English learners in Kazakhstan think that the language used by British and American are the same one English,and there’s no difference between them. In fact, there are many unquestioned discrepancies between these two forms of English. So let’s find out immediately.

  1. Differences in Grammar

Use of the Present Perfect
Traditionally, British English use thePresent Perfect to talk about past action which has an effect on the present moment and with the words already, just and yet. In American English both simple past and present perfect are possible in such situations.

  • I have just lost my pen. Can you borrow me yours? (BE)

  • I lost my pen. OR I havelost my pen.(AE)

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