Грамматика английского языка

participle.  However,  not  can follow the -ing form or the past participle, de-

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Lisicina Grammatika angl azika

participle.  However,  not  can follow the -ing form or the past participle, de-
pending on meaning: 
Not wanting to wake her, Steve left the house silently. 
(=As Steve didn’t want to 
wake her, he left the house silently.) 
Preferring not to go out that night, I made an excuse
. (=As I preferred not to go 
out that night, I made an excuse.) 
o  Where a passive form is expected, this is often shortened to a past participle. 
Having been abandoned by his colleagues, the Minister was forced to resign. → 
Abandoned by his colleagues, the Minister was forced to resign. 
o  In general, using a Participial phrase instead of a clause beginning with a conjunc-
tion (when, because, as, etc.) or an attributive clause makes what we say or write 

more formal. Participial phrases like this are used particularly in formal or li-
terary writing. 
c) of manner or attendant circumstances.
Participle I Indefinite is mostly used in this meaning and it denotes some action or 
event parallel to the action or state expressed by the predicate. 
He sat in the armchair reading a book. 
She was silent, looking at her hands. 
I wrote to him a friendly letter, thanking him for his help. 
Little bare-legged children ran about him, playing on the grass. 
o  We often use an -ing phrase in written narrative after direct speech, when we want 
to say what someone was doing while they were talking: 
‘Wait a minute,’ said Frank, running through the door. 
d) of comparison

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