Грамматика английского языка

Participle I; Participle II

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Participle I; Participle II 
Exercise 48. Change the Participial Phrases into subordinate clauses. (Participle I, 
Participle II) 
1. Having listened to the radio, I decided to go for a walk. 
2. The work being done will soon be finished. 
3. The man, pleased with his success, decided to do the same thing again. 
4. The water in the pool, having stood too long, is stagnant
5. Being thoroughly tired, I decided to go to bed earlier. 
6. Having taken several photos, I closed my camera. 
7. The tune being played is quite familiar to me. 
8. Having presented her ticket to the guardian at the gate, she passed to her first-class 
9.  Having been tired with day’s feverish shopping, she preferred the first-class car-
Exercise 49. If possible, change the relative clause in these sentences to an -ing, past 
participle or being + past participle as appropriate. If it is not possible, write (X) af-
ter the sentence. 
  The people who are being asked to take early retirement are all over the age of 60. 
… The people being asked to take early retirement … . 
  The book that she wanted to borrow wasn’t available in the library. 
  The hospital has recently obtained new equipment which will allow far more pa-
tients to be treated. 
  The children who are being moved to another school all have learning difficulties. 
  The man who died in the accident came from Bulgaria. 
  An agreement has been signed to protect the forests which are being cut down all 
over the world. 
  I ran through the crowd of people who were hurrying to get to work. 
  If you know of anyone who would like to buy Maggie’s car, let me know. 

  The trees that were blown down in last night’s storm have been moved off the 
 The woman who visited us last week has sent us a present. 
Exercise 50. Translate the following sentences into English. 
1. В этом магазине вы можете купить вещи, сделанные в разных городах Рос-
сии. 2. Я всегда с большим интересом читаю книги, описывающие жизнь заме-
чательных людей. 3. Я живу в доме, построенном десять лет назад. 4. Кто на-
шел потерянный вами ключ? 5. Инженер, ожидавший вас вчера, только что 
звонил. Вы можете принять его? 6. Мы должны поговорить со всеми людьми, 
приславшими нам эти письма. 7. Писатель, написавший этот роман, много пу-
тешествовал. 8. Гости, сидевшие за столом, громко разговаривали и смеялись. 
Exercise 51. Complete the sentences using one of the following verbs in the correct 
form: Participle I and Participle II as an attribute. 
1. I was woken up by a bell … ringing… . 
2. A lot of the people …… invited …… to the party cannot come. 
3. Life must be very unpleasant for people ……… near busy airports. 
4. A few days after the interview, I received a letter ……. me the job. 
5. Somebody …………………… Jack phoned while you were out. 
6. There was a tree ………………… down in the storm last night. 
7. When I entered the waiting room, it was empty except for a young man …… by the 
window ……… a magazine. 
8. Ian has got a brother …….… in a bank in London and a sister ……….... economics 
at university in Manchester. 
Exercise 52. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Mark the difference be-
tween Participle I Passive and Participle II. 
1) The film now being demonstrated in our cinema is much spoken about. The film 
demonstrated in all the central cinemas was worth seeing. 2) The houses being built 
in our district are said to be comfortable. One of these days they are going to move 
into the new house built not far from the underground. 3) The snow cleared away 
only yesterday began to fall again. The snow being cleared away by the machine is 
very dirty. 4) I left the hall being mocked at by everybody. Mocked at by every-
body, he couldn’t but feel ill at ease. 

Exercise 53. Translate the following sentences into English. 
1. Дом, выходивший на улицу, был старый. 2. Мы все смотрели на смеющегося 
мальчика. 3. Приблизившись к станции, мы услышали шум моторов. 
Опустив письмо, я поспешил домой. 
(to post a letter)
 5. Так как я был усталым, я ра-
но лег спать. 6. Хотя мой друг был усталым, он не мог не улыбнуться. 7. Когда 
я был очень усталым, я выключал свет и ложился спать. 8. Получив сообщение, 
моя сестра немедленно выехала в Москву. 9. На листе бумаги было несколько 
строчек, написанных карандашом. 10. Мальчик, потерявший родителей, был 
отправлен в детский дом. 11. Когда правило объяснили еще раз, оно оказалось 
совсем легким. 12. Вы должны выучить слова, данные на странице 20. 13. Вы-
писав все ошибки, сделанными студентами в последней контрольной работе, 
преподаватель написал несколько упражнений для тренировки забытых студен-
тами грамматических правил. 14. Приехав на вокзал, Петр купил билет, и, видя, 
что у него достаточно времени в распоряжении, пошел посмотреть на новый 
театр, построенный недалеко от вокзала. 15. Я не мог переодеться, так как оста-
вил свои вещи на вокзале. 
Exercise 54. Transform the clauses italicized into Participial Phrases. Preserve the 
corresponding conjunctions where possible. (Participle I, Participle II) 
  It was a thin piece of metal, which when it was shaken produced a mysterious 
rumbling noise. → It was a thin piece of metal, which when shaken produced a 
mysterious rumbling noise. 
  While she was waiting, she thought of her sealskin 
(котиковый мех)
 coat, and decided 
that for the coming season its shoulders should be taken in a little. 
  The horse stamped its foot and nodded its head as if it agreed to a peace treaty. 
  He glanced over his shoulder as though he was trying to make sure there was no-
body there. 
  Though she was deeply moved by these words, she couldn’t agree to her friend’s 
  Since I’m late for the 5 o’clock train, I can stay at home a little longer. 
  All along, I had been far from comfortable when I speculated as to what this 
Othello’s reactions would be. 
  Granny found her spectacles while she was looking for something different. 
  He will certainly come if he is asked. 
Exercise 55. Insert the correct form of Participle I or Participle II. 
1. Once when he came back to their room, he found Dmitri (to lie) in front of the 
2. I don’t want my hair (to wash). 
3. Look here, Jack. Do get me (to invite) to your house. 
4. He had heard their orders (to give). 
5. She felt herself (to vibrate 
) all over with resentment. 
6. I had heard it (to say) that the cost of keeping a dog was over five pounds a week. 

7. I saw Mr. Honey (to go) home each evening to cook for his little girl. 
8. Then she heard the chairs (to push) back and across the floor. 
Exercise 56 Rewrite the sentences beginning with an  -ing or past participle 
phrase (or ‘Not + -ing / past participle’).
  Marie left work early because she didn’t feel too well….Not feeling too well, Ma-
rie left work early… . 
  The manager was impressed by Jo’s work so he extended her contract for a year. 
  He had acquired the money through hard work, so he was reluctant to give it 
  Because he had started the course, Alan was determined to complete it. 
  As we didn’t want to offend him, we said nothing about his paintings. 
  As I haven’t seen all the evidence, I am reluctant to make a judgement. 
Exercise 57. Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the underlined phrase with a 
suitable participial phrase. 
0 As they hadn’t been arrested, they were able to leave the police station. → 
 …Not having been arrested, they were able to leave the police station. 
  She fell asleep while she sat in the armchair. 
  Because I can speak Finnish I was able to follow their conversation. 
  Because my brother has split up with his wife, he wants to move in with me. 
  So far nobody has claimed the money we discovered under the floorboards. 
  After he had moved out, Danny found it difficult to find a nice place to stay. 
  The people who lived closest to the river bank were the worst affected. 
  The sea was very rough, which made me feel sick. 
  As I am not very good at figures I’ll let you do the accounts. 
  This is a house which has been built to last forever. 
  If you wash it at a cool temperature, this garment will not shrink. 
  People who play loud music late at night can be a real nuisance. 
  Because he had been unemployed for so long, Jack despaired of ever finding a 
  If you give them enough time, the engineers will be able to find the fault. 
Exercise 58. Translate into English. Pay attention to the position of Participial 
Phrases in English and Russian. (Participle I, Participle II) 
Pattern: Шедший мимо них офицер приветливо улыбнулся им. – The officer 
going past them smiled at them. 
1. Он подписал все принесенные ему секретарем документы. 2. Говорят, что  
в находящемся в двух километрах от города лесу много змей. 3. Мерцавший 
 в темноте фонарик 
 показывал, что впереди кто-то шел. 4. Дмитрий 
часто рассказывал ей о покрытых снегом сопках 
, о море, о людях Дальнего 
Востока. 5. Она остановилась у ведущих к входу Центрального корпуса ступе-

ней. 6. Раздававшийся неведомо откуда голос пел незнакомую песню. 7. Иг-
равшие в углу комнаты дети очень шумели. 
Exercise 59. Choose the appropriate form of the participle. 
1. The questions … at yesterday’s meeting were interesting to everybody. 
a. discussing  
b. discussed 
2. Many scientists have continued the work ... by I. P. Pavlov. 
a. beginning 
b. begun 
3. We read the letter ... from our pen-friends in Moscow. 
a. receiving 
b. received 
4. The children liked to listen to their grandfather ... stories about his youth. 
a. telling 
b. told 
5. A group of … schoolchildren … flowers stood round the visitor. 
a. exciting 
b. excited 
c. holding  d. held 
6. We listened to his stories about the ... adventures of the expedition in the North. 
7. We ate vegetables ... in an unusual way. 
a. preparing 
b. prepared 
8. There were two men ... at a table ... about something in low voices. 
a. sitting 
b. sat   
c. arguing   
d. argued 
9. … the dictionary, he looked up the … word. 
a. taking 
b. taken 
с. unknowing 
d. unknown 
10. She found her ... notebook on her father’s bookshelf. 
a. losing 
b. lost 
11. The cars … the street moved very slowly. 
a. filling 
b. filled 
12. A fish ... out of water cannot live. 
a. taking 
b. taken 
13. The students ... part in the competition must be here at 4 o’clock. 
a. taking 
b. taken 
14. ... the door, Mike found the room full of people. 
a. opening 
b. opened 
15. The English ... since the fifteenth century is called Modern English. 
a. using 
b. used 
16. She laughed again, … the story. 
a. remembering   
b. remembered 
17. He spоке, when ... to. 
a. speaking 
b. spoken 
18. While ... on the problem, he sat closer to the window. 
a. speculating 
b. speculated 
19. The student ... this article is my friend. 
20. The article ... by this student is of great interest. 

21. Though. ... in a difficult language, the article was easy to translate. 
22. I looked at him as if … to see him. 
a. surprising 
b. surprised 
23. Magazines … 50 years ago look different from those ... now. 
a. publishing 
b. published 
c. publishing 
d. published 
24. The telephone ... by A. G. Bell was a great scientific achievement. 
a. inventing 
b. invented 
25. “How are you?” he asked, ... his hat. 
a. raising 
b. raised 
Exercise  60. In which sentence choosing from three would you use Participle I in-
stead of the verb in brackets? 
1. a) (to write) a letter, I usually look it through. 
  b) The students had to analyse the forms (to write) in italics. 
  c) The novel (to write) by a well-known author. 
2. a) (to read) English books, you enlarge your vocabulary. 
  b) Books (to read) in English help you to learn the language better. 
  c) Students are supposed (to read) English books in the original. 
3. a) Flights to the moon (to describe) by great writers of the past show that people 
began to dream about space travel hundreds of years ago. 
  b) I like to read books (to describe) the lives of famous scientists. 
  c) He (to describe) the method used by this engineer. 
4. a) While (to translate) this article, he came across many difficulties. 
  b) When (to translate), this article was sent to the editor. 
  c) Who (to translate) this book into Russian? 
Exercise 61. In your notebook, write the following text changing clauses to participi-
al phrases where possible. 
  Vincent Van Gogh, who was born in Holland in 1853, is one of the world’s most 
famous painters. Although his talent was unrecognized throughout his life, it was 
much appreciated after his death. 
  After he had failed in every career he had attempted, Van Gogh first turned to art to 
express his strong religious feelings. After he had decided to become a painter, in 
about 1880, he started to paint studies 
 of peasants and miners. During the next 
few years, which are known as his ‘Dutch period’, he produced paintings with rather 
dark greenish-brown colours. 
  In 1886, when he went to Paris to visit his brother Theo, he was immediately at-
tracted to the Impressionist work he saw there. He decided to stay in Paris and con-
tinued his painting there. He was encouraged by Pissaro 
(Писсаро; 1830-1903; французский 
to use more colour in his pictures and his subsequent paintings were bright 
and immensely colourful. 

  After Van Gogh had moved to Aries in the south of France, in 1888, he worked 
(безумно, неистово).
 This frenzied
 activity, which was interrupted by 
 of deep depression and despair, produced the majority of his most 
famous paintings. One of these, which is called Self Portrait with Bandaged Ear, 
shows Van Gogh: he was wearing a bandage after he had cut off his own ear. A year 
later, in 1890, he committed suicide. 
  A lot is known about Van Gogh’s life and his feelings because of the hundreds of 
letters which were written by him to his brother Theo and others. Because his brother 
believed in Van Gogh’s genius, he always encouraged him in his work. He was the 
person closest to Van Gogh. 
Born in Holland in 1853, Vincent Van Gogh is one of the world’s most famous pain-
◄ Exercises ► 
The Adjectivized Participle 
Exercise 62. Read and study the Adjectivized Participle. 
o  The adjectivized participle may be modified, like a real adjective, by adverbs of 
degree, such as: 
very, greatly
(очень; весьма,
значительно, сильно, чрезвычайно),
 (мало, незначительно, 
слегка; еле-еле)
, rather
 (до некоторой
степени, слегка, довольно; несколько)
, exceedingly
очень, сильно, чрезвычайно)
,  extremely
  (чрезвычайно, крайне, в высшей степени; очень)
,  so, too, 
as, really, much, more, most, quite 
(довольно; почти, до некоторой степени
, how, 
so…as, not so…as. 
very amusing -
очень забавный 
too boring -
слишком скучный 
not greatly bothered - 
не сильно обеспокоенный 
slightly associated - 
со слабой связью 
greatly impressed - 
очень поражен 
My job is too boring to discuss.
The road was as deserted as ever. 
Дорога была такой же пустынной, как и всегда. 
I am naturally very disappointed. 
Естественно, что я очень разочарован. 
I was cold but too excited to mind it. 
Мне было холодно, но я был слишком возбужден, чтобы 
обращать на это внимание. 
Suddenly, looking rather alarmed, she rushed out of the room.
Is Mrs. White really very excited?
She is always so amusing.
The result which he obtained proved to be most striking.
They found his ideas very upsetting.
His erect, rather forbidding 
(суровая, неприступная)
 figure made him look old-
I’ve never been so deceived in a man as I was in George.

If anyone lived there, he would be as scared as we were.
I am very pleased with you.
The children were too excited to notice the newcomer.
No man has ever had a more devoted sister than I.
The men ran out of the house, like schoolchildren frightened of being late.
I was frightened, but I was even more frightened of showing my fear.
I had always found him one of the most puzzling men.
- приводящий в замешатель-
ство; сбивающий с толк
I’m sure this must be a very embarrassing conversation for Barbara.
o  It should be mentioned that if participles were not adjectivized,  they would 
form, with the verb ‘to be’, the Passive Voice. The participle proper (i.e. the 

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