Iwmst №2 Тема: Modern problems of modernization of higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan from the standpoint of the quality of trainingof specialists. Специальность

Improving the competitiveness of education

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Improving the competitiveness of education
Higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan show an insufficient level of competitiveness in the market of higher education. The number of higher education institutions represented in international rankings remains low. To improve their positions in international rankings, higher education institutions should pay attention to the following indicators: the quality of the educational process, scientific work, international activities, the presence of an additional source of financing and investors. Higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan should be competitive in the world market and attract new foreign students in the field of higher education: USA and Great Britain. For example, the share of foreign students in higher education in the OECD countries reaches 9–10 %. Currently, the percentage of foreign students in Kazakhstan is 2.5 %, this is due to the low attractiveness of domestic higher education and the insufficient number of educational programs for students in English.
Thus, improving the quality of higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of national universities and their leadership on a global scale.
Development prospects
Based on the analysis of the international experience of developed countries, the following promising directions for the development of higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan can be proposed:
1) Professional development of teachers. Consider the possibility of creating a national institution of education, which will improve the quality of teaching in higher education institutions
2) Consideration of the possibility of introducing new mechanisms of cooperation within the educational cluster «education — science — business», emphasis on the practical application of the acquired knowledge
3) Revision of the assessment system of knowledge acquired by students.
Moreover, the assessment of knowledge should be reviewed so that this system tests not only the level of theoretical knowledge, but also the ability to apply knowledge and thinking skills of a higher level in practice.
At the same time, along with the development of an effective state educational policy, the key educational technologies used within the educational system are aimed at improving the quality of education and qualifications of specialists, as well as ensuring that the skills acquired during the training process meet the needs of the labor market. A significant role in improving the quality of education is played by the development and implementation of new progressive educational technologies.
Among the modern educational technologies used today in Kazakhstan, the following should be noted: distance educational technologies; design and gaming educational technologies; information and communication training technologies; personally oriented learning .
Based on the studied international best practices in the field of new educational technologies, it is advisable to propose the following promising areas for the development and improvement of the quality of the domestic higher education system in Kazakhstan:
1) Studying the potential of online education technologies in Kazakhstan following the example of such countries as the United Kingdom, Norway, Russia. In the future, consideration of the possibility of forming a single national platform, which will be based on competent research, and focus on the development of new knowledge, cooperation between higher education and industrial fields in the use of massive open online courses for vocational training. In particular, one should study the experience of Great Britain in combining all online courses offered by domestic educational institutions under a single brand at the state level
2) Consideration of the possibility of studying individual subjects and passing credit through educational platforms. Students are given the opportunity to choose for taking individual disciplines remotely through the online courses of renowned lecturers (Harvard, MIT and others) conducted on educational platforms and equating the test on them with the general curriculum
3) Increased export of higher education services. It should be noted that the export of higher education services gives the leading countries in the application of breakthrough educational technologies significant revenues. Thus, as a result of the effective application of modern advanced educational technologies in the practice of teaching domestic higher education institutions in the long term, one can expect an increase in the quality of educational services, an increase in the number of highly qualified personnel in the country's economy, and, consequently, an increase in the rate of economic growth and an increase in government revenues from exports educational services. Conclusions The field of higher education is an important factor in ensuring the quality of human capital.
It is necessary to improve the system of higher education. An important role in providing professional training for competent and competitive specialists for all sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is played by domestic higher education.
Unfortunately, most employers are not satisfied with the quality of training of specialists graduated from higher educational institutions. Educational programs do not always meet the expectations of employers and do not meet the needs of the national economy. Improving the quality of higher education will contribute to solving the problem of employment and the lack of qualified personnel. Higher education should focus on the maximum satisfaction of the current and future needs of the national labor market in graduates.
There is a need to further stimulate the influx of foreign students, teachers, and researchers into Kazakhstan in order to develop higher education and have a beneficial effect on the country's economy as a whole. Ensuring the mobility of the faculty and students will facilitate the exchange of scientific developments and cooperation in the research field.
Current global trends define massive online courses, digital interactive training programs and international educational communities as new trends in the learning process — precursors of structural changes in the educational process. Even though these technologies are not able to completely replace classical education, however, now this format of training has opened up many new ways and opportunities for quality education.
Курбанова, Г. С. Modern ways of development of higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan / Г. С. Курбанова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020.

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