Ж. И. Намазбаева Бас редактордың орынбасары


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2019 4(61)


Қазіргі уақытта пән саласындағы білімді, дағдылар мен іскерлікті қалыптастыруға бағытталған мамандарды дәстүрлі даярлау қазіргі заманғы талаптардан әлі де артта қалып отыр. Қазіргі заманғы білім берудің негізі оқу пәндері емес, оқушылардың ойлау тәсілдері болуы тиіс. Кез-келген жоғары мекеменің міндеті жоғары деңгейді даярлайтын мамандарды шығару ғана емес, сонымен қатар оқушыларды оқыту барысында жаңа технологияларды әзірлеуге қосу, оларды кәсіби ортаның нақты жағдайларына бейімдеу болып табылады. Қоғамның қазіргі даму жағдайында ҚР Президентінің Жолдауына сәйкес, бәсекеге қабілетті тұлға ретінде креативті, стандартты емес ойлы шығармашыл тұлғаға деген қажеттілік артады.
Түйінді сөздер: қазіргі білім беру, оқыту әдістемесі, педагогтарға арналған оқу үдерісі, оқу бағдарламасы, 7 модуль.

In modern conditions of development of society, the need for creative, unconventionally thinking creative personality, according to the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for a competitive personality is growing. At the moment, the traditional training of specialists, which focuses on the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject area, is increasingly lagging behind modern requirements. The basis of modern education should be not so much academic disciplines as the ways of thinking of students. The task of any higher institution is not only the release of specialists receiving high-level training, but also the inclusion of students already in the learning process in the development of fundamentally new technologies, their adaptation to the real conditions of the professional environment. At the same time, in the learning process, it is important to develop in students such abilities as: creative activity, creative thinking, the ability to evaluate, rationalize, quickly adapt to the changing needs of the market /1/.

The acquisition of such skills largely depends on the content and training methodology of future specialists. A competency-based approach to the organization of the educational process requires the teacher to change the learning process: its structure, forms of organization of activities, principles of interaction of subjects, which means that the teacher's work is given priority to the dialogue methods of communication, the joint search for truth, and various creative activities. All this is realized by applying innovative teaching methods /2/.
To date, the difficulties of applying innovative methods in the educational process by teachers are /3/:
• ignorance of the content of the method;
• inability to apply it in practice;
• misunderstanding of the place of the method in the structure of the lesson;
• disbelief in the effectiveness of the application of methods in the learning process.
The proposed article contains instructions that reveal the content of innovative teaching methods, the technological process and recommendations for the practical application of methods in the structure of the lesson.
Organization and procedure of innovative teaching methods. As you know, the basis of innovative educational technologies used in the educational process should be a social order, professional interests of future specialists, taking into account individual, personal characteristics of students /1/. Therefore, when studying at school, the use of innovative methods in the learning process helps to overcome stereotypes in the teaching of various disciplines, develop new approaches to problematic learning situations, and develop creative and creative abilities of students /4/.
In the modern scientific literature devoted to the problems of innovative methods in the field of educational activity, the complexity and multidimensionality of their application is noted. Particular attention is focused on the fact that the innovative approach to teaching students should be systematic and covering all aspects of the educational and educational work in teaching, while theoretical and practical approaches to the content of education, professional and pedagogical training of teachers, the development of new technologies and teaching methods. The indicated problems are actively studied by many researchers, such as J.Martin, L.Svenson, I.Lerner, M.Skatkin, V.Bespalko, V.Slastenin, O.Pekhota, S.Sysoeva and others /5/.
Most of the research on this issue in our country is being developed at the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, created on the basis of the NIS (Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools) and Cambridge University /6/, which are carried out in several directions, reflected in the seven modules of the CPM program.
The purpose of innovative teaching methods is to create conditions for effective learning, in which the student feels his intellectual viability and success, and the learning process seems to be interconnected between the teacher and the student.
So, the new training program includes 7 modules:
• New approaches in teaching and learning
• Dialogue teaching and learning
• Critical Thinking Training
• Assessment for training
• The use of ICTs in teaching and learning
• Education for talented and gifted children
• Teaching and learning based on the age characteristics of students
• Management and leadership in teaching and learning
Interactive learning is, first of all, interactive learning, in the process of which both the interaction between the student and the teacher, and the students between themselves /7/ takes place.
Tasks set by innovative teaching methods /8/:
- Awakening of students' interest in self-education of the studied disciplines;
- the formation of students' own opinions and skills to defend their positions;
- the formation and development of critical thinking;
- the formation of professional and social skills;
- effective assimilation of the studied material;
- establishing active interaction between students, team training;
- the formation of the level of conscious student competence.
T.S. Panina and L.N. Vavilova /9/ highlight the following general results and effects of interactive learning:
1. Interactive teaching methods allow to intensify the process of understanding, assimilation and creative application of knowledge in solving practical problems.
Efficiency is ensured by more active inclusion of students in the process of not only obtaining, but also the direct ("here and now") use of knowledge. If the forms and methods of interactive learning are used regularly, then students form productive approaches to mastering information, the fear of making a wrong assumption disappears (since a mistake does not entail a negative assessment), and a trusting relationship with the teacher is established.
2. Interactive learning increases the motivation and involvement of participants in solving the problems discussed, which gives an emotional impetus to the subsequent search activity of the participants, encourages them to take specific actions, the learning process becomes more meaningful.
3. Interactive learning forms the ability to think outside the box, in its own way to see a problem situation, ways out of it; substantiate their position, their life values; develops such features as the ability to listen to a different point of view, the ability to cooperate, to enter into partner communication, while showing tolerance and goodwill towards his opponents.
4. Interactive teaching methods allow for the transfer of methods of organizing activities, to gain new experience of activities, their organization, communication, experiences. Interactive activity provides not only an increase in knowledge, skills, methods of activity and communication, but also the disclosure of new opportunities for students, is a prerequisite for the formation and improvement of competencies through the inclusion of participants in the educational process in a meaningful experience of individual and collective activities to accumulate experience, awareness and adoption of values.
5. Using interactive learning technologies allows you to make control over the assimilation of knowledge and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, skills in different situations more flexible and humane.
6. The result for a particular student:
- experience in the active development of educational content in conjunction with the learning environment;
- development of personal reflection;
- mastering a new experience of educational interaction, experiences;
- development of tolerance.
7. The result for the training micro group:
 development of communication and interaction skills in a small group;
 the formation of value-oriented unity of the group;
 encouraging flexible change of social roles depending on the situation;
 adoption of moral standards and rules of joint activity;
 development of analysis and introspection skills in the process of group reflection;
 development of the ability to resolve conflicts, ability to
8. The result for the "teacher-group" system:
 non-standard attitude to the organization of the educational process;
 multidimensional development of educational material;
 the formation of motivational readiness for interpersonal interaction not only in educational but also in extracurricular situations.
Innovative methods are divided according to the following criteria /10/:
By the nature of educational activities:
• Non-simulation (Availability of a model of the process under study)

  • Gaming

Educational games
Game situations
Game tricks and procedures
Business games
Active Trainings

  • Non-gaming

Case-study (solution and discussion of situations, both simulated and real)
Business mail parsing
TRIZ - work (theory of solving inventive problems)
• Simulation (lack of a model of the process under study)

  • Heuristic conversation

  • Problematic lecture, lecture together, lecture press conference, lecture with pre-planned mistakes

  • Workshops, discussions of the CDS with literature

  • Search lab work

Also, in game non-simulation modeling, various games are widely represented: business, certification, organizational-activity, innovative, reflective games to relieve stress and form innovative thinking, search and testing, etc. When using business games, the productive and transformative activity of students predominates. In particular, educational games are characterized by multivariance and alternative solutions, from which it is necessary to choose the most rational /10/. Business games for educational purposes are now quite widespread in universities and are used mainly in senior courses in the study of special disciplines.

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