Ж. И. Намазбаева Бас редактордың орынбасары

By the number of participants

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2019 4(61)

By the number of participants:
• Customized
• Group
• Collective
• Work in dyads and triads
At the venue:
• Classrooms
• Exit
• Extracurricular
• Sightseeing
According to the principle of using a PC:
• Information from the Internet
• PC games
• Computer games
By type of problem solving /11/:
• Ranking according to various signs of phenomena, objects and actions
• Optimization of processes and structures of phenomena
• Design and construction of facilities
• The solution of engineering, research, management or socio-psychological problem
• Choice of tactics of action in management, communication and conflict situations
• Demonstration and training of skills, attention, fiction, originality, quick thinking, etc.
From here we can derive the main types of innovative educational technologies:
1. Work in small groups (team) - a joint activity of students in a group under the leadership of a leader, aimed at solving a common problem by creatively adding up the results of individual work of team members with the division of authority and responsibility /12/.
2. Design technology - individual or collective activity on the selection, distribution and systematization of material on a specific topic, as a result of which a project is compiled.
3. Case study - analysis of real problem situations that have occurred in the relevant field of professional activity, and the search for options for the best solutions.
4. Role-playing and business games — role-based imitation by students of real professional activities with the functions of specialists in various workplaces.
5. Modular training - the use of knowledge in the form of:
a) individual modules, autonomous parts of the course, integrable with other parts of the course;
b) blocks of interrelated courses that can be studied independently of another block of disciplines.
6. Contextual learning - the motivation of students to assimilate knowledge by identifying the relationship between specific knowledge and its application.
7. The development of critical thinking is an educational activity aimed at developing students' intelligent, reflective thinking, able to put forward new ideas and see new opportunities.
8. Problem-based learning - encouraging students to independently acquire the knowledge necessary to solve a particular problem.
9. Individual learning - the student building his own educational path based on the formation of an individual educational program taking into account the student’s interest /13/.
10. Leading independent work - students study new material before studying it in the classroom.
11. Interdisciplinary training - the use of knowledge from different fields, their grouping and concentration in the context of the problem being solved.
12. Learning based on experience - enhancing the student’s cognitive activity through the association of their own experience with the subject of study.
13. Information and communication technologies - training in the electronic educational environment in order to expand access to educational resources (theoretically, to an unlimited volume and speed of access), increase contact interaction with the teacher, build individual training paths and objectively control and monitor students' knowledge /14/.
The development of critical thinking is the main technique in the application of innovative methods. Critical thinking (critical thinking) has the following main provisions:
• Disciplined, self-directed thinking, which embodies the highest thinking skills corresponding to a specific method or field of thinking.
• Thinking that demonstrates perfect mastery of intellectual skills and abilities.
• The art of thinking about your thinking in the process of this thinking in order to improve it: make it clearer, more correct or more reasoned.
Critical thinking can be divided into two forms: “selfish” or “sophistic”, on the one hand, and “impartial”, on the other. Thinking critically, we use our knowledge of the elements of thinking in such a way as to efficiently adapt our thinking to the logical requirements of a type or mode of thinking.
The activity of the teacher gives way to the activity of students, his task is to create conditions for their initiative. The teacher refuses the role of a kind of filter that passes educational information through himself, and serves as an assistant in the work, one of the sources of information. Therefore, interactive training is intended to be used initially in intensive training of sufficiently adult students.
- organization of thematic classes,
- organization of temporary creative teams when working on a training project,
- the formation of the student's portfolio,
- organization of discussions and discussions of controversial issues that arose in the team,
- to create educational resources.
To solve educational and educational tasks, the curator can use the following interactive forms /16/:
1. Interactive tour.
2. The use of case technology.
3. Video conferencing.
4. Round table.
5. Brainstorming.
6. Debate.
7. Focus group.
8. Business and role-playing games.
9. Case-study (analysis of specific, practical situations).
10. Training group discussions.
11. Trainings.
It would be a mistake to adhere to any one model, it is reasonable to combine these two training models to achieve the effectiveness and quality of the educational process. The modern system of vocational education in a market economy is one of the priorities for successfully solving the problems of training qualified personnel, the principle of taking into account the interests of the student /17/. In this regard, the teachers are faced with the task of developing and implementing such methods and teaching methods that would be aimed at activating the student’s creative potential and his desire to learn.
In this case, the pedagogical task of forming the personality of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its value orientations should be solved, since the learning process is the main component of the educational process in the life of every person. And therefore, how much each individual student is involved in the learning process will ultimately depend on the level of his education and intelligence in all senses of the word. In addition, the global informatization of modern society also had a significant impact on the educational process, on the vocational education system, requiring a radical revision of the teaching methods used.

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