Ж. И. Намазбаева Бас редактордың орынбасары

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2019 4(61)

Ключевые слова: образование,обновленное обучение, учебная мотивация, ученик, критериальное оценивание.

According to N.A. Nazarbayev, “One of the most important and successful factors of modernization is upgrading national education system”. Profound changes are unlikely to happen in training process of education sector without a teacher’s role and perspective. Setting new objectives and tasks related to the content of modernized education is accomplished by participation of competitive teachers.
A great deal of works are being done in our country in order to proceed into the content of modernized education. Innovative projects, innovative events, programs for development of educational organization taking place in our Republic could be a proof for that. This system of events has been included into the practice of Nazarbayev intellectual schools since 2015. In 2012-2013 new textbooks were processed. In 2014 “Profession-oriented school” program was developed which is dedicated to professional training and based on social-humanitarian and scientific-mathematical directions. Reforms and changes being implemented in our country are streams for proper development of school pupils. In accordance with it, structural perception of these changes must be our objective in solving this problem. Therefore, development of essential qualities of young generation, their spiritual education is becoming a crucial issue these days. From this perspective, psychological issues are being considered. One of them is the impact of changes within the framework of the program “Spiritual modernization” on psychological peculiarities of pupils. Not only does it influence pupils’ emotional state, but also their motivation [1].
Educational achievements depend not only on brain competence and skills, but also on mental process and memorizing methods, motivational needs of pupil’s individuality. A child should be enthusiastic about study process apart from learning. Positive attitude to learning is achieved by plenty of needs and incentives which are formed by properly organized study process. Furthermore, developed needs assist in realizing methods and approaches. The latter are designed to find satisfaction. Cognitive interests, capabilities, skills, competences, habits and pupil’s personality are developed from motivational and needs sector [2, б.22-26].
Study motivation is a separate type of general motivation in education sector. As like any type of motivation, it is distinguished by particular feautures common to education sector: first of all, it is identified in relation to a particularity type and profile of educational institution; secondly, by arranging educational process, by its advantages; thirdly, by teacher's subjective particularities, their position and attitude to pupils and process, moreover, by characteristics, position and study plan of educational process. According to Markova, study motivation consists of a range of requirements which colloborate with each other and change constantly. Motivation is not only a positive or negative attitude for a pupil, but also complexity of motivational structure, emergence of new, full scale and controversial relationships between them. A.K. Markova demonstrates hierarchy of this structure, considers it in relation to education, and ascribes to it necessity in education, a sense of study, emotion, attitude and interest [3, б.43].
Motivation of learning activities helps the pupil to concentrate on what he is doing, and thereby to gain satisfaction. Continuous motivation is needed to help learners concentrate on the lessons to be learned. The importance of motivation in its simplest form is seen in the experiments made in the way animals and human beings learn.
L.S. Vygotskii has also a point of view about it. According to him «pedagogics ought to be directed not for tomorrow, but for the next day of a child's development.
In fact, a human's motivational sphere is formed and persistent. Motivational sphere plays an important role here. Its future depends directly on this period. Occupational choice is a crucial step for a man. While making such a choice, a human relies on his or her experience, parents' direction, dreams for achieving to one's capacity, profession and interest. All of those keeps changing with age [4, б.63].
In order to identify pupils' motivation in study process, «Research of motivation of study process» a method suggested by Ye.A. Kalinina was conducted. 40 people participated in this research. The research was conducted at school 36 in Karaganda city. The research was conducted in 8th and 9th grades. Having analyzed the responds of 8th and 9th grades, it can be concluded that there is a difference between 8th and 9th grades. «Competitive motivation» showings in study process were high among 8th grade 40%, whereas motivation showings in «achieving success» were 38% among 9th grade. Children with high educational attainment showed clear responds in achieving aims – accurate completion of a task, gaining necessary results – «self-development» motivation rank was 10% and 17% among 8th grade and 9th grade respectively, «relationship motivation» 10% and 12 % respectively. – «Gaining new education apart from study process» motivation has high percentage among 9th grade 23% (1 picture). With the development of aims a pupil learns to start plans for identifying oneself, there is a necessity and opportunity for development of one's study process which allows to get knowledge apart from school program. Therefore, 8th grade pupils are directed into responds such as «competitive motivation during study process», «relationship and collective process motivation», whereas in 9th grade there is a positive trend of growing «motivation in achieving goals», «self-development motivation», «gaining knowledge apart from study process». This shows that 9th grade pupils compared to 8th grade pupils understand that successful school education can be a base for development during post- school education, morever knowledge can be useful for achieving well-being, forming a social responsibility and joining new social communities. Forming of an intellectual system and its further development is connected with entering whole society; reflexion, being able to critisize one's own point of view, emphasis on theory; idealization; being able to distinguish words, bevahiour, habits, controversies; pursuing self-development and individualization. (picture – 1).

Picture 1. Оқушылардың оқудағы іс-әрекеті мотивациясы

The motivational part of pedagogical conditions assumes stimulation of motivation of self-education; the substantial part of pedagogical conditions consists in orientation of process of self-education to formation of modern psychological knowledge, with providing its personnel, methodical, material components; the activity part of pedagogical conditions provides active participation and self-estimation of pupils of a level of development of professionally important qualities during introspection of efficiency of the self-educational work [5].
In conclusion, pupils' motivation is a flexible system that can be influenced. Even if a pupil has not chosen a future profession wisely, purposeful development of a constant system of motivations can help a future specialist adapt one's profession and career development. A choice of future profession and research of a system of incentives while mastering that profession allow to complement study incentives and influence on forming professional proficiency of students. Efficiency of study process depends direcly on importance of motivation of mastering a future profession. Therefore, if we want to modify and improve education quality, we should modify education reforms. Practical and accurate rendering of those reforms and changes depends on teachers' activity. Learning is self-initiated, but it must be aided by motives so that the learner will persist in the learning activity. A definite motive is valuable in all work, as motives make for readiness. The greater the readiness, the greater will be the attention given to the work on hand and the sooner will the desired result be achieved.

List of used literature
1. President of RK N. A. Nazarbayev's message to Kazakhstan nation, 12 April 2017.
2. Barber M., Murshed M., How to achieve constantly high quality education at school. – M.: Science, 2008. 59 p.
3. Dzhakupov S.M. Psychological structure of study process. -2 ed.- Almaty: Kazak, university, 2009.308p.
4. Amirova B.A., Zhenis A.K. «Emotional state of school graduates related to changes in education sector. Current development processes of psychological science and experience and future international scientific-methodical materials. Almaty: Kazakh university publishing house, 2017. – P.137-139.
5. Aplashova A.Z., Amirova B.A., Abildina S.K., Tusupova M.M., Autalipova U.I. Activization of self-education of students – psychologists. Life Sci J 2014;11(5s):145-148]. (ISSN:1097-8135)
МРНТИ 15.01.11

М.П. Оспанбаева¹, А.М. Кенжан²

¹ҚР Президенті жанындағы Мемлекеттік басқару Академиясының
Жамбыл облысы бойынша филиалы, Тараз қ., Қазақстан
² Қазақ ұлттық қыздар педагогикалық университеті,
Алматы қ., Қазақстан

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