Ж. И. Намазбаева Бас редактордың орынбасары

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2019 4(61)

A prosaic stanza, or complex syntactic whole, is not the sum of sentences, but the syntactic unit of a language. Between its components (sentences) there are grammatical relations. The stanza is also distinguished by a single position.
Everything is interconnected in the text, comprising complex syntactic whole and separate sentences in them. There are various means of interphrase communication. We will name the fundemental ones of such means:
– subject communication (particular parts of the text are combined with the names of people and names of objects);
– temporary connection (the presence of a single temporary space in the text); temporary unity is expressed grammatically and lexically: in 1773,first - then, in the morning - in the evening, etc. The changing of grammatical time should be meaningful. One of the most common mistakes in school essays is the unmotivated transition from the present to the past and vice versa;
– spatial connection (in our city, there, here, etc.);
word order; in a written text, a sentence usually launches with a subject, a subject of a message, something which is known from a previous statement or less significant in terms of content; the sentence usually ends with new information - rema; the most common is considered this word order: information that was new in the previous sentence moves to the beginning in the subsequent sentence;
– replacement of nouns, adjectives with pronouns and pronouns (he, this, then, etc.);
– the use of creative unions (and, but, but, etc.), taking into account their significance;
– special text clips, primarily introductory words (firstly, secondly, so, therefore, etc.);
– non-specialized means of communication, in particular lexical repetition, which should be meaningful and stylistically justified, otherwise it will be perceived as a stylistic mistake;
– red line, a paragraph division in the written text; most often a paragraph occurs with over-phrase unity; the red line usually emphasizes the beginning of a new speech, in this first phrase plays a special role of a new paragraph; it is all kind of over-phrasal unity;
– semantic connection of sentences in the text, and semantic relations can be different: it is based on the juxtaposition of parts; also on the interdependence of parts.
It is distinguished between chain and parallel connection of sentences. The main thing in a chain connection is the repetition of a keyword, its replacement with a synonym, synonymic turnover, pronoun, repetition of one or another member of a sentence. Communication can be through semantic correspondences or associations.
With a parallel connection, proposals are not linked to one another, but are compared, and comparisons or contrasts are possible.
The features of this type of communication are the same word order, sentence members are expressed in the same grammatical forms, sometimes the first word (words) of sentences (anaphora) is repeated. Parallel connections are often used in poetry. The parallel communication can be enhanced by introductory words. For the same purposes, the adverbs of the place are often used (right, left, front, etc.), adverbial sentences, subordinate clauses.
In many texts with parallel communication the topic is contained in the first sentence and all subsequent ones concretize, develop the thought expressed in the first sentence. Such sentences usually have the same structure, so they are syntactically similar and parallel.
The parallel connection between parts of the text can be combined with the elements of chain communication, which in this case are not basic. And, on the contrary, elements of parallel communication are sometimes used in chain communication, and then they are of a private nature.
Speech is that which occurs under conditions where language acquisition is impossible without the participation of a teaching person and with an extreme limitation of speech practice, barely simultaneously with parallel learning of oral speech, whilst a hearing child has a significant interval between mastering these types of speech.
Therefore, children with hearing impairments have less discrepancy between oral and written speech than with children in case of with normal hearing; we add that deaf children have difficulties in pronunciation that complicate the use of oral speech, the compilation of an oral statement is more arbitrary than that of hearing children. A written statement of thoughts creates greater opportunities than oral, for the preparation, detailed perception, reflection and correction of the statement. Thanks to such features of writing, mastering it by children with hearing impairments is of great importance for expanding communication with others and for the formation of abstract thinking.
And therefore, the development of written language is rightfully considered one of the most important tasks of teaching children with hearing impairments on the success of a large extent, the formation of their verbal speech as a full-fledged means of communication and a tool of thought.
One of the tasks of the school for the hearing-impaired is the formation and correction of interphrase communication of students ’speech based on the development of preserved auditory function in order to use hearing in the learning process and after school hours, as well as the formation and development of communicative competence as the main life competence for a student with hearing impairments.


  1. Выготский С.Л. Психология развития как феномен культуры. М., 1996.

  2. Выготский С.Л. Собр. Сочинений в 6-ти т. М.: Педагогика, 1983. Т.5

  3. Боскис Р.М. Глухие и слабослышащие дети. М., 2004.

  4. Зыков С.А. Методика обучения глухих детей языку. М., 1997.

МРНТИ 15.01.11

А.С. Оспанова¹

¹ Қазақ Ұлттық қыздар педагогикалық университеті
Алматы қ., Қазақстан

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