Кафедра языковых дисциплин

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My flat.

1. Have you a house or a flat? 
2. How many rooms are there in your flat? 
3. Has your flat all modern conveniences? What arе they? 
4. What room is the largest in your flat? 
5. What is there in the middle of the room? 
6. Is there a piano in the living-room? 
7. What is there near the TV set? 
8. How many windows are there in the bedroom? 
9. What is on the bedside-table? 
10. What colour curtains are there on the window? 
11. What room is very cosy? 
12. Is there much furniture in the study? 
13. What is there in the right-hand corner of the study? 
14. What is standing in the left-hand corner? 

square - квадратный 
sideboard - сервант 
wardrobe - шкаф 
opposite - противоположный 
cosy - уютный 
divan-bed - диван 
alarm-clock - будильник 
mirror - зеркало 
dressing-table - туалетный столик 
lamp-shade - абажур 
a built-in wardrobe - встроенный шкаф 
coat-hanger - вешалка 
to hang (hung) - вешать 
study - кабинет 
furniture - мебель 
necessary pieces - необходимые вещи 
cushion - диванная подушка 
standart lamp - торшер 
Questions to Talk about your Dream House 
Pair Work Discussion 
1 Where would it be? 
2 Do you live in an apartment or house? Do you like it? Why?/Why not? 
3 What is your favorite room in your house? Why?/Why not? 
4 What kind of house or flat would it be? 
5 What special features would it have? 
6 How many bedrooms does it have? 
7 What is a good color for a house ? Why?/ Why not? 
8 Is it a good idea to live in an apartment or the 9 floor ? Why? 
9 Describe your living room? 
10 Do you want to move to another apartment /house ? Why? 
11 Would you like to live on a boat? 
12 How long does it take you to go home after class? 
Is it too far away? 
13 Is it better to rent a home or to buy a home ? Why? 
14 What kind of animals make their own home? 
15How much does it cost to buy a home in your country? Is it too expensive ? 
16 Describe your kitchen? 
17How many apartments or houses have you lived in? 
18 What should you do if you have a noise neighbor? 
Draw a plan of your living room.”Show ”the room your partner 
Ex.1. Read and guess what it is: 

  • A place we live in ______________ 

  • A place where we cook food______________________ 

  • A place where we take a shower____________________________ 

  • A place where we wash the dishes____________________________ 

  • A place where we wash our face and hands_____________________ 

  • A place where we can sit and read before the fire____________________ 

  • A room where we can have dinner_________________________ 

  • A thing we can lock the door with___________________ 

  • A thing where we keep our clothes_________________________ 

  • A thing in the kitchen to cook our food_________________________ 

  • A thing in the kitchen where we can wash up______________________ 

  • A thing that we can see our faces in_____________________ 

  • A thing that helps us to read when it is dark in the room__________________ 

  • Things which are usually on the windows and makes the room lovely__________________ 

Ex.2. Complete the sentences: 

  • We cook in the__________________________. 

  • We sleep in the _________________________. 

  • We watch TV in the ______________________. 

  • We eat in the ___________________________. 

  • We read books in the _____________________. 

  • We wash face and hands in the ______________________. 

  • We take off our overcoats in the ______________________. 

  • We keep old things in the ____________________________. 

Ex.3. Write the word: 

  • Iilgcen____________ 

  • kenthci_________________ 

  • yparnt_______________ 

  • ewdrorab _____________ 

  • uoardbpc ________________ 

  • cipuetr___________________ 

  • riormr_____________________ 

  • iumqaura_________________ 

  • taicnur__________________ 

  • tletke________________ 

  • dsehsi ___________________ 

  • cytriileect __________________ 

  • bsindut ________________ 

  • tnvieceonn _________________ 

Ex.4. Find the answer to the riddle: 
It’s pretty white house. 
There is no window
There is no door, 
There is no roof, 
There is no floor. 
But there is a pretty yellow ball inside. 
What is this house? 

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