Кандидат филологических наук, доцент Казну т. Т

) ability to realize one's potential 6)

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5) ability to realize one's potential
6) ability to accept oneself as basically good
7) ability to recover quickly from illness, change, or misfortune;
8) please or satisfy sb

Activity 4. Ask questions 1) What?.2) Whom? 3) Who? 4) Whose? 5) What kind of? 6) What for? to the sentence below:
Many businesses utilize EQ tests to help their employees measure their emotional responses to various situations.

Activity 5. Translate the following questions into English:
1) Как ты думаешь, действительно ли «эмоциональная интеллигентность» важна?
2) Как ты думаешь, какие из «мягких» умений наиболее важны?
3) Как ты думаешь, действительно ли напористость - это положительное качество человека?
4) Как ты считаешь, какими из компонентов эмоциональной интеллигентности ты обладаешь?
5) Как ты думаешь, ты можешь контролировать свои эмоции?
6) Как ты думаешь, каким образом можно поднять свою самооценку?


Activity 6. What do the following qualities enable us to do/be?
1) interpersonal skills; 2) resilience; 3) assertiveness; 4) empathy; 5) impulse control; 6) tolerance; 7) emotional intelligence

Activity 7. Read the text and comment on each component of EI:
1) what each component (subcomponent) means
2) why it is un/important


Activity 8. Answer the questions in Activity 5.

Activity 9. Discuss with your partner:
1) to what extent emotional intellifence is characteristic of you
2) what and how can help one to foster it in oneself

Activity 10. Watch the video about EI “Emotional Intelligence and Success in the Future” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D71FBakjcew&feature=related) and:
1. define the following:
a) emotional intelligence
b) elusive
c) to harness EI
d) self-efficacy
e) academic pressures
2. say:
a) why it is crucially important
b) what methods of testing EI have been used
c) if and how it helps to manage academic pressures
d) in what spheres of life it appears to be useful

Activity 11. Watch the video “Secrets for dealing with difficult people
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xg5YQlj7HMo) and:
1) name the categories of difficult people mentioned in it;
2) say what advice the presenter gives for dealing with such people;
3) think of other kinds of difficult people and ways of handling them.

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