Количественные (Cardinal Numerals) и

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The Numeral

Именем числительным называется часть речи, которая обозначает количество или порядок предметов.

Имена числительные делятся на количественные (Cardinal Numerals) и порядковые (Ordinal Numerals).

Количественные числительные обозначают количество предметов и отвечают на вопрос how many? сколько? Например: one один, two два, three три и т. д.

Порядковые числительные обозначают порядок предметов и от­вечают на вопрос which? который? Например: first первый, second второй, third третий и т. д.

- 30 March 1995 – the thirtieth of March or March the thirtieth, nineteen ninety-five
- 16.06.1900 – the sixteenth of June or June the sixteenth, nineteen hundred
- 2006 – two thousand and six or twenty or six

1.3 Fractional numbers

1/3 - third
1 / 2 – a (one) half
2/3 – two thirds
¼ - a (one) quarter, a (one) fourth
5/6 – five sixth
2/3 – two thirds or two over three

0.1 – zero point one (AmE)
0.1 – nought point one or point one
0.01 – nought point nought one or point nought one
2.35 – two point three five
52.35 – five two (fifty two) point three five

1.5 Telling the time
- What is the time? What time is it?
10 a.m. – it is ten a.m.
10.15 – it’s a quarter past ten.
6.30 – it’s six thirty or half past six.
7 p.m. – it is seven p.m.
8.45. – it’s a quarter to nine.
4.30 – it’s four thirty or half four.
3.10 – it’s ten past three
a.m. – ante meridiem – түске дейін
p.m. – post meridiem – түстен кейін

1.6 Money
British money
1 ₤ - one pound ▪ 5.20 – five ponds twenty
40p – forty pence ▪ 1 p – one penny
American money
$ 1 – one dollar ▪ 1 c – one cent
$ 9.50 – nine dollars fifty
European money
1 € - one euro
0.50 € - fifty cents
6.50 € - six euros fifty

1.7 Telephone numbers
For example:
▪ 50 44 38 65 33 – five oh double four three eight six five double three

Exercise 1.
Write down in written form
1. 100 - ________________
2. ₤ 1.450 - _____________
3. 1.000 - _______________
4. $1.85 - _______________
5. €2.000 - ______________
6. 3rd - _________________
7. 2nd - ________________
8. ₤ 29.99 - ______________
9. 55.000 - ________________
10. ₤25.000 - ______________

Exercise 2.
Put the words in necessary form:
1. He had to sign his name five ______ times. (hundred)
2. Wee export 40 ______ tons a year. (million)
3. I just need to borrow a few ______ pounds. (hundred)
4. I’ve told you ______ times. (million)
5. _______ refugees are flooding into the (million)
6. …. people were killed during the War II. country. (thousand)
7. Could I have two _____ eggs? (dozen)
8. News agency gets ______ reports every day. (hundred)
9. A small town only 55 ______ people in it. (thousand)
10. Claire earns 15 _____ pounds a year as a teacher. (thousand)

Exercise 3. Give the dates in written form.
1. 15 May 1964 - _______________
2. 9 March 1973 - _____________
3. December 7, 2005 - _______________
4. July 11, 1982 - ________________
5. November 10, 2000 - _______________
6. 27.05.1998 - _________________
7. 03.07.2007 - ___________________
8. 28.10.1999 - ____________________
9. 04.08.1974 - _____________________
10. 05.02.1950 - ___________________

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