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Tea was known as a strong remedy before it was brought to Russia

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Сабур Жанар Ак-42 курссовая

Tea was known as a strong remedy before it was brought to Russia.

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  1. The tsar immediately loved the new drink. 

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  1. Mikhail Fedorovich held regular assemblies of court in order to make the nobles get used to drinking tea.

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  1. Russia started importing tea from China in the 18th century.

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  1. At first tea cost a lot of money. 

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  1. Drinking tea helps one to fall asleep. 

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  1. Tea was an important part of Russian life in the 19th century.

Not stated

  1. Russian tea is served with sugar. 

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  1. The modern tradition has replaced the traditional sign of hospitality with coffee. 

Not stated
Тілдік дағдыларды анықтауға арналған тапсырмалар.

  1. Тыңдалым

Listening Test

The Magic Basket
A mother and her little son live in a little house. They are very poor. All they have is a grey goat.
One day the mother says, “We have got no money, we have got no bread. You should go and sell the goat”. The boy takes the goat and goes to the town. He meets a farmer with a large basket in his hands. “Sell me your goat”, says the farmer.
“What can you give me for it?” asks the boy.
“I can give you this basket”, says the farmer.
“What good is this basket for me?” says the boy. “What can I put in it? I’ve got no bread, I’ve got no eggs and I’ve got no apples!”
“My little girl is ill”, says the farmer. “She must drink some milk from a grey goat every day or she will die”.
The boy is kind. He is sorry for the little girl. He gives his goat to the farmer, takes the basket and goes home.
When he comes home, he puts the basket on the table and shows it to his mother.
The mother looks at the basket and says, “What good is this basket for us, what can we put in it?”
But suddenly the basket says, “I’m a magic basket!” The basket jumps from the table and runs out of the house. When it comes back to the poor boy’s house, it is full of meat, fruit and vegetables. Now the mother and the boy have dinner.
Every morning the wonderful basket jumps from the table and runs out of the house. And every day it comes back full of good things. Now the mother and her son have their breakfast, dinner and supper every day.
Task 1
Read and match the pairs.
1. magic а) добрый
2. wonderful b) большой
3. poor c) маленький
4. kind d) волшебный
5. little е) бедный
6. large f) замечательный

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