Маслова А. М., Вайнштейн И., Плебейская ji. С

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Английския язык для студентов-медиков

If you come to me we shall study Anatomy.

Если вы придете ко мне, мы будем заниматься анатомией.

    1. As soon as the patient is admitted to the hospital the doctor will examine him.

Как только больной поступит в больницу, врач обследует его.

    1. Before the surgeon performs the operation he will have to observe the patient's condition for some days.

До того как хирург сделает операцию, он должен будет наблюдать за состоянием больного несколько дней.

      1. * Определите виды придаточных предложений. 2* Определите время глагола-сказуемого в английских: а) главных, б) придаточных предложениях. 3.* В каком времени стоит глагол-сказуемое в соответ­ствующих русских а) придаточных, б) главных предложениях? 4. Ка­кой вывод вы можете сделать из сопоставления русских и английских предложений?

      2. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. If the red blood cell count decreases the patient will require additional treatment. 2. The development of cortical inhibition will begin after the experimental animal is given the proper drug. 3. The infant will be fed artificially until the mother's health is restored.

      1. Переведите со словарем предложения, обращая внимание на перевод слова 'look' и его сочетаний с 'after' и 'for':

1. We looked but saw nothing. 2. The nurse looked after the patients carefully. 3.1 looked for the Anatomical Atlas but could not find it. Что изменяет значение глагола?

      1. Выпишите и переведите значения следующих глаголов с послелогами:

1. to give in, to give up, to give away; 2. to get up, to get down, to get in, to get off

      1. Запомните чтение следующих слов. Переведите их:

polyclinic [,poli'klinik], neurologist [njua'robdsist], urine ['juarin], urinalysis [juav'naelisis], regimen ['red3imen], test [test], diagnosis [.daia'gnousis]

      1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

institution [,insti'tju:Jn] и учреждение
ring up (rang up, rung up) v звонить, вызвать по телефону
call [ко:1] п вызов; call in v вызывать (врача)
physician [fi'zi/n] п врач
complain [kam'plein] v жаловаться (на) (of)
complaint [kam'pleint] я жалоба
correct [ka'rekt] а правильный; v исправлять, поправлять administer [ad'minista] v назначать; давать (лекарство) consult [kan'sAlt] v обращаться (к врачу); consulting hours приемные часы; consulting room кабинет врача
reception [n'sep/n] n прием; получение; принятие
serious ['sianas] а серьезный; вызывающий опасение (о болезни)
sick [sik] а, п больной
sick-leave больничный лист; to be on a sick-leave находиться на больничном листе
definite ['definit] а определенный, точный
chart [tjixt] п таблица, график, диаграмма, схема, карта; temperature chart температурный лист
patient's card карточка больного fill in v заполнять; вписывать, вносить

      1. Переведите следующие однокоренные слова:

locate, local, locality, localize, localized, location; person, personal, personality, personally, impersonal; administer, administered, administration, administrative; correct, corrected, correction, corrective, correctly, incorrect, incorrectly

      1. * Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

1. My brother looks ill because he has been ill since the beginning of the spring. He fell ill with the grippe on the first of March. 2. Yesterday a call from a patient who lives in Lenin street came to our polyclinic. The patient called in a doctor because he had pain in the chest. The therapeutist made the diagnosis of pneumonia. This disease is called pneumonia because its name takes the origin from the Greek term 'pneumoni'.

      1. * Закончите следующие предложения, выбрав нужный вариант окончания:

1. A therapeutist is ... (a) a person who treats the diseases of the inner organs; 6) a person who investigates the life of microorganisms) 2. A neurologist is... (a) a physician who treats ear, nose and throat diseases; 6) a physician who treats the diseases of the nervous system) 3. A physician is... (a) a person who protects and restores the health of people; 6) a person who investigates the life of plants)

      1. Переведите придаточные предложения (письменно):

1. You will receive a sick-leave ... (а) если у вас будет высокая температура; б) когда врач поставит диагноз серьезного заболевания) 2. The nurse will give you the injections of antibiotics ... (а) после того, как врач назначит их; б) до тех пор, пока процесс инфекции не будет купирован)

      1. 1. Прочтите текст А. 2. Найдите предложения, в которых настоящее время употреблено вместо будущего и переведите их. 3. Выпишите и переведите: а) глаголы с послелогами; б) эквиваленты:

вызвать врача, поставить правильный диагноз, назначить соответству­ющее лечение, получить больничный лист, сделать инъекцию, измерить температуру, пойти на вызов
4. Напишите три основные формы неправильных глаголов, встречающихся в тексте:

The Soviet State has established a wide network (сеть) of medical institutions to protect the health of our people. One of such medical institutions is the polyclinic.
If a person falls ill he will ring up his local polyclinic and call in a doctor. When his condition isn't very poor and he has no high temperature he will go to the local polyclinic and a physician will examine him there.
Many specialists including therapeutists, neurologists, surgeons and others work at the polyclinic. During the medical examination a physician usually asks the patient what he complains of and according to the complaints carries on the medical examination. The physician listens to the patient's heart and lungs and measures his blood pressure and if necessary asks the patient to take the temperature. The laboratory findings which include blood analysis, the analysis of urine (urinalysis) and other tests help the physician to make a correct diagnosis and administer a proper treatment.
In addition to their consulting hours at the polyclinic local physicians go out to the calls to examine those patients who are seriously ill and whose condition is bad. Such sick persons receive a sick-leave. They usually follow a bed regimen.
Any physician of the polyclinic knows his patients very well because he treats only a definite number of patients. At the local polyclinic every patient has a personal patient's card which is filled in by his physician. Everything about the patientthe diagnosis of the disease, the administrations made by the doctor, the course of the disease, the changes in the patient's condition after the treatment are written down in the card.
If it is necessary a nurse will come to the patient's house to give him the administered injections or carry out any of the doctor's administrations.
All Soviet people receive medical treatment free of charge.
XII. Read the passages and answer the questions:

        1. Patient Smirnov caught a cold and had a very high temperature. He complained of a general weakness and a bad headache. He was not able even to sit up. He was seriously ill.

        2. Patient Belov looked ill and was pale. He had no high temperature. His appetite was poor. He complained of the pain in the left portion of the stomach. Кто из них сможет прийти в поликлинику сам?

          1. When my younger brother was play ag in the garden he fell down. He impaired his right upper extremity. There was a deep wound on the lateral surface. He developed a bad pain in the joints and could not move his hand.

          2. My father complained of a bad pain in the left side in the chest. He breathed heavily and became pale. The increase of the chest pain was associated with physical exertion. He had to follow a bed regimen. Кого из этих больных должен обследовать терапевт?

            1. Supply the necessary postpositions:

1. The nurse filled... the patient's card when she took my temperature. 2. We have called ... a physician as my sister's condition became considerably worse. 3. The significance of oxygen for the development of aerobic microorganisms has been found ... by the microbiologists. 4. The prominent Russian physiologist Pavlov carried ... many experiments to determine the nature of conditioned reflexes.

            1. Choose and translate those sentences in which the tense of the verb of the English subordinate clause does not correspond to that of the Russian translation:

1. The blood supply of the diseased lung will be restored as soon as the consolidation in it disappears. 2. The coagulation of the blood will be associated with the properties of the medicine which the patient will be administered. 3. The specific features of phagocytes willfce destroyed if the environment becomes unfavourable.

            1. Translate the following sentences:

1. Как только будет готов анализ желудочного сока, больному назначат соответствующую диету. 2. Лечение будет продолжено до тех пор, пока не будут получены положительные результаты. 3. Больному разрешат сидеть, если частота сердцебиения станет нормальной.

            1. Translate the following sentences:

1. The doctor asked the nurse to give him the patient's card. 2. You must give up smoking, you have a lung trouble. 3.1 had to give in because I was not right.

            1. Answer the questions according to the model:

What does a patient complain of if something is wrong with his ear?
If something is wrong with his ear a patient complains of an earache.
What does a patient complain of if something is wrong with his stomach? lungs? heart? liver? kidneys?
I. Выполните следующие задания и ответьте на вопросы:

              1. Дайте формулу страдательного залога. 2. Какую формулу вы получите, если поставите вспомогательный глагол to be из этой формулы в Continuous? 3. К какому залогу и к какой группе времен вы отнесете эту формулу, если глагол to be будет в Continuous? 4. Употребите глагол to examine по этой формуле и скажите, что изменяется в ней по временам, лицам и числам. 5. Как образуются отрицательная и вопросительная формы?

              2. Переведите следующие предложения, определив время глагола- сказуемого:

1. Now the total number of platelets in the blood of the patient is being counted by the laboratory worker. 2. The exact amount of salt was being determined during the experiment, which we were carrying on yesterday at 10 o'clock. 3. We can clearly observe that a favourable effect is being produced on the patient's condition by the administration of these drugs.

              1. * Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение слова to follow':

1. Now my father is following a bed regimen because he has a bad heart disease. 2. In this female a bad heart disease was followed by dyspnea. 3. Following the administration of this drug the normal heartbeting developed in the patient. 4. The high intracranial pressure followed by constant headaches may be one of the symptoms of intracranial growth.

              1. Выучите парные союзы. Предложения переведите:

1. The patient complained both of a high temperature and of the pain in the chest. 2. Both the therapeutist and the surgeon have come to the conclusion to treat the patient at home. 3. You must investigate either the blood gases or the corpuscular elements of the blood. 4. The therapeutist did not administer him either a bed regimen or a diet. 5. The physician revealed neither the increased respiratory rate nor the increased pulse rate.

              1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

cough [kof] п кашель; v кашлять; cough mixture микстура от кашля
moist [moist] а влажный
rale [red] n хрип (в легких) acute [a'kjurt] а острый
cold [kould] n простуда; to catch a cold простудиться accumulate [a'kjuimjuleit] о накапливать(ся); собирать(ся) light [lait] а легкий; светлый orally ['э:гэ11] adv внутрь; через рот

              1. Переведите следующие словосочетания (письменно):

1. влажный климат, влажный воздух, влажная (окружающая) среда, влажные руки; 2. влажные хрипы, сухие хрипы, обнаружить хрипы в легких, слышать влажные хрипы в легких; 3. сухой кашель, принимать микстуру от кашля, сильно кашлять

              1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

1. What is the time now? 2. My father visited Moscow many times. 3. We have classes in Physiology three times a week. 4. What time do you have lectures in Microbiology?

              1. Read and memorize the following words:

bronchitis [broq'kaitis], catarrh [ka'ta;], discomfort [dis'Lunfat], bronchial ['brorjkjal], diet, recommend, tablets, symptom ['simptam], procedure [pra'si:d33], abnormal

              1. Supply conjunctions 'both ... and'. Translate the following sentences:

1. Experienced therapeutists and neurologists work at this polyclinic. 2. At the polyclinic consulting hours may be in the morning and in the evening. 3. The nurse fills in temperature charts and gives injections.

              1. Translate the following sentences:

1. The patient was in such a poor condition that he could neither sit up nor move. 2. This patient with pneumonia will be administered either streptomycin or penicillin injections. 3. The growth was revealed neither in the lungs nor in the mediastinum. 4. You may take this medicine either before or after meals.

              1. Choose the sentences with the predicate in Continuous Passive:

1. No changes are being observed in the patient's condition now. 2. The blood was dropping from the wound slowly. 3. The functions of the left lower extremity were being restored rapidly during the treatment of the patient at the clinic. 4. At the end of October this female visited the clinic complaining of a bad pain in the heart.
XII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of the Active and Passive Continuous Tenses:
1. Сейчас врач лечит этого больного по поводу острого бронхита. Сейчас этот больной лечится по поводу острого бронхита. 2. Сестра заполняла температурные листы больных в 8 часов утра. Температур­ные листы больных заполнялись сестрой в 8 часов утра. 3. Сейчас врач Смирнов проводит медицинское обследование в своем кабинете. Сей­час медицинское обследование проводится врачом Смирновым в ка­бинете № 2.
ХШ. 1. Read Text В. 2. Make the plan. 3. Describe the main symptoms of bronchitis. 4. Find and translate the sentences with: a) pairs of correlative conjunctions; b) Continuous Passive:
Text B. A Case of Bronchitis
Patient Smirnov called in a physician from the local polyclinic. He could not go to the polyclinic himself because his temperature was about 38°C. In a few hours doctor Belova, an experienced therapeutist, came to the call.
Doctor Belova wanted to know the patient's complaints. When the patient was being questioned by the physician on his condition he said that a short, painful dry cough associated with rapid respiration had developed two days before. In addition to that the patient complained of the pain both in the throat and behind the breastbone.
While the patient was being examined the physician listened to his heart and lungs and then measured his blood pressure. Neither the blood pressure nor the heart sounds were abnormal. But both dry and moist rales were heard in the lungs. The respiratory rate was considerably increased and the patient breathed with difficulty. The physician also determined that the patient felt discomfort in the chest.
On the basis of all the findings the physician made the diagnosis of acute bronchitis in a mild form. She thought it was neither a catarrh nor a cold. The amount of the discharge from the bronchial mucous membrane was large. It accumulated in the bronchial tubes and made the patient cough. Passing through this fluid in the bronchial tubes the air which was breathed in and out produced moist and dry rales.
It was not necessary to admit the patient to the hospital, he was allowed to follow home treatment. The patient had to be on a sick-leave until his temperature became normal and all the symptoms were controlled. He was to follow a bed regimen and a light diet. He was also recommended to drink either warm milk or have warm applications to his chest. These procedures had to control the cough and impaired breathing.
The doctor administered the patient two tablets of tetracyclin to be taken orally and a cough mixture to be taken three times a day.
Суффикс -less образует прилагательные от существительных, указывает на отсутствие чего-либо или какого-либо качества: use пользаuseless бесполезный; child дитяchildless бездетный.

                1. * Прочтите и переведите следующие слова:

sleepless, careless, helpless, homeless, lifeless, painless, hopeless, restless

                1. Определите словообразующие элементы в данных словах. Переведите и запомните их:

breathlessly, unaided, unpreparedness, sleeplessness

                1. 1. Проработайте текст С со словарем. 2. Выпишите и выучите выделенные слова. 3. Озаглавьте текст и перескажите его:

Text С
Andrew went to his first call immediately, with a wonderful sense, almost of relief.
He reached 7 Glydar Place, knocked breathlessly upon the door, and was immediately admitted to the kitchen, where the patient was lying. She was a young woman, wife of a steel worker named Williams, and as he approached the bedside with a fast-beating heart he felt the significance of this, the real starting-point of his life.
How often had he thought of it as in a crowd of students, he had watched a demonstration in Professor Lamplough's wards! Now he was alone, confronted by a case which he must diagnose and treat unaided. Immediately he understood his complete unpreparedness for such a task.
Andrew Manson examined the patient with scrupulous care. There was no doubt about it, she was ill. She complained that her head ached intolerably. Temperature, pulse, tongue, they all spoke of trouble, serious trouble. What was it? Andrew asked himself that question1 again and again. He was afraid to make a bad mistake or not to be able to make a correct diagnosis. It seemed to him that he had missed nothing, yet it was very difficult to group all the symptoms under the name of some definite disease.
1 Andrew asked himself that question — Эндрю задавал себе этот вопрос (himselfвозвр. местоим.). (См. таблицу 10 стр. 277.)

                1. * Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова и переведите их:

1. The patient had a bad ache in his ear. 2. My head aches so badly that I cannot read. 3. The X-ray examination did not reveal any lung trouble. 4. The doctor wants to know what troubles the patient. 5. I do not doubt that the patient will feel well after the treatment. 6. There is no doubt that the pain will be controlled soon. 7. During the operation the approach to the diseased portion of the colon was difficult. 8. The surgeon approached the valve on which he had to operate.

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