Маслова А. М., Вайнштейн И., Плебейская ji. С

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Английския язык для студентов-медиков

1. Both the description of the course of the disease and all the changes in the patient's condition are written down in his case history. 2. Both investigators came to the same conclusion having studied the structure of this substance. 3. The examination of the blood includes both the determination of the red and white cell count.

              1. Translate these sentences:

1. Больной взвесится еще раз перед тем, как его выпишут из больницы. 2. Как только вы поступите в стационар, лечащий врач назначит вам лабораторные исследования. 3. Обследование больного будет проведено после того, как будут собраны семейный и жизненный анамнезы.

              1. 1. Read Text В. with a dictionary. Speak on the courage of Soviet army nurses.

Text B. Soviet Army Nurses Winners of Florence Nightingale Medal.
Mary Smirnova-Kukharskaya is a nurse who took part in World War II after finishing the secondary school. The lives of more than 400 wounded solgiers were saved by Smirnova-Kukharskaya. She was awarded the order of Lenin. The international organization of "Red Cross" awarded Mary the medal of Florence Nightingale.
The students of the medical secondary school in Kokchetav arranged1 a meeting with Mary Kukharskaya. After this meeting the students and the teachers of Kokchetav secondary school decided to collect the documents about the nurses who have been awarded the medal of Florence Nightingale. Thus the Museum of "Mercy and Courage"2 was opened at the medical secondary scool in Kokchetav. Before opening the museum the authorities3 of the International Organization of "Red Cross" in Geneva sent a letter to the Kokchetav secondary school. The letter read "If you set up"4 such a museum it will be unique".
Another Soviet woman who was awarded the medal of Florence Nightingale is Sophy Kuntsevich. 45 years ago the 17 year old girl managed to get herself5 into the Red Army. Sophy Kuntsevich was a village girl who was born and brought up in the countryside outside Minsk.
Buelorussia suffered greatly during the Greate Patriotic War. If France had its Oradour, Czechoslovakia its Lidice, Byelorussia has 627 Lidices — 627 villages were destroyed with their entire population. The Byelorussians have set up a moving (трогательный) memorial to all their desecrated6 villages at Khatyn, not far from Minsk.
Having overcome7 some difficulties because of her young age Sophy volunteered for the front. She had attended some first aid courses and became an army nurse. She was in the battlefields bandaging the wounded, carrying them to some safe8 place. Several times she herself was wounded and had to be hospitalized. Being at the. front in the Caucasus Sophy replaced the dead lieutenant [letent] of an army unit and gave commands in his name9 the act for which she was awarded an order. Though she was again badly wounded and it was decided to discharge her from the army on medical grounds she, now a lieutenant, took part in the westward offensive10. She finally got to Berlin on Victory Day and left an inscription on the Reichstag walls saying that "Sophy Kuntsevich the daughter of a Buelorussian smith", was here".

                1. to arrange — устроить, организовать

                2. Mercy and Courage [клпёз] — милосердие и отвага

                3. authorities [o:'6ontiz]— администрация

                4. to set up a museum — основать музей (a memorial) — (воздвигнуть памятник)

                1. managed to get herself — удалось попасть

                2. desecrated — оскверненные

                3. having overcome — преодолев

                4. safe — безопасный

                5. in his name — от его имени

                6. the westward offensive — наступление иа запад

                7. smith — кузнец

Грамматика: Времена группы Perfect Continuous.
I. Ответьте на вопросы: (см. §15)

                  1. Назовите формулу времен группы Continuous 2. Поставьте глагол to be в этой формуле в Perfect и скажите, формула какой группы времен у вас получилась 3. Какой вспомогательный глагол изменяется по временам в этой формуле? Как называются такие времена? 4. Прочтите примеры и скажите, какое действие показывает глагол в Perfect Continuous, и когда это действие происходив? 5. Как переводится глагол во временах группы Perfect Continuous?

I have been examining the patient for half an hour.
Я обследую этого больного (уже) полчаса.
I had been examining the patient for half an hour when you came.
Я обследовал больного (уже) полчаса, когда вы пришли.

                  1. * Найдите сказуемые, назовите формулу, по которой они образованы. Предложения переведите:

1. The patient has been making a slow recovery for a month. 2 We shall have been investigating this case for three weeks by the end of the year 3 The patient had been coughing for a month by the time he was admitted to the hospital.

                  1. Перепишите пары предложений, подчеркните сказуемые и определите, в чем их различие. Предложения переведите:

1 a) I am waiting for the findings of my blood analysis 6) I have been waiting for the findings of my blood analysis for an hour 2. a) Dry rales are disappearing slowly 6) Dry rales have been disappearing during this week. 3. a) The nurse is giving the injections. 6) The nurse has been giving the injections for two hours.

                  1. Напишите вопросы к выделенным членам предложения:

1. My mother has been suffering from a bad pain in the substernal area for three hours. 2 The patient had been complaining of a considerable muscular pain before he was admitted to the hospital. 3 By 3 o'clock the professor will have been delivering the lecture for half an hour

                  1. Запомните чтение следующих слов. Найдите их перевод ниже: lobular ['bbjuta], focus ffoukas] pi foci ['fousai], cyanosis [.sara'nousis],

bronchiole ['brorjkioul], crepitation [,krepi'teifn], diffnse [di'fju:s], differentiate [,dif3'renjieit], pleurisy ['pluarisi]
дифференцировать; бронхиола, крепитация, хруст, потрескивание, плеврит, цианоз, синюшность, очаг (очаги); дольчатый; дольковый; лобулярный, диффузный, разлитой

                  1. Выучите следующие слова:

gradually ['graedjuali] adv постепенно, последовательно improve [im'pruv] v улучшаться
accompany [э'клтрэш] v сопро вождать, сопутствовать occlusion [э'к1и:з(э)п] п закупорка purulent ['pjuarubnt] а гнойный, гноящийся sputum ['spju:tam] п мокрота accelerate [aek'sebreit] v ускорять(ся), учащать(ся) reduce [ri'dju:s] v понижать, ослаблять, уменьшать dullness ['dvlnis] п тупость, приглушение spleen [splirn] п селезенка
enlarge [in'la:d3] и увеличивать(ся), расширять(ся), разрастать(ся) sign [sain] п признак, симптом
intensity [in'tensiti] п напряженность, сила, яркость, плотность shadow ['Jaedou] п тень, v затемнять
severe [si'via] а резкий, сильный, тяжелый, серьезный (о болезни) unit [*ju:nit] п единица, единица измерения, отделение

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