Методическая разработка по английскому языку для студентов факультета химии и химической технологии " Simple Chemistry" Алматы 2017

Ex. 1 Read the following chemical equations

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мет. разработка по химии

Ex. 1 Read the following chemical equations
Cu + 2H2SO4 = CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2O
H2O + SO3 = H2SO4
Be2 C + 4H2O = 2 Be (OH)2 + CH4
CaO + H2O = Ca (OH)2
Ca3N2 + 6H2O = 3 Ca (OH)2 + 2NH3
2NO + O2 = 2 NO2
2SO2 + O2  2SO3
2KHSO4 = H2O + K2S2O7
(NH4)2S2O8 + 2Ag = Ag2SO4 + (NH4)2SO4
Na2S2O3 + 4Cl2+5H2O = 2H2SO4 + 2NaCl + 6HCl
SO2 + Cl2 = SO2Cl2
SO2Cl2 + 2H2O = 2H2SO4 + 2 HCl
SO2+ KMn + KOH  K2SO4 + MnO2
S + KMnO4 + KOH  K2SO4 + MnO2
H2S + KMnO4 + KOH  K2SO4 + MnO2
3SO2 + 2 KMnO4 + KOH  2 KSO4 + 2 MnO2

Ex. 2 Read the following SI unites and chemical formulas
kg/m3, kg/m2, 10-5, cm3, m /s2, l/s2, mm3, l2, mm/g, g3, H2O, S(II), Cu (III), KSO2, HCl, H2S, CaO, SiO, 2H2S, MnSO3, MgO, Cr (OH)2, Cr (OH)6, Ca(HCO)2, MgCO3, C6H6, C2H2OH, ZnCl, FeO, Li2O2, H+, Ca-, Cl+++.

Ex. 3 Read the following mathematical symbols
a-5, x3, y2, ( ), { }, [ ], 12o C, 13oF, 14 K, - 13oC, +13oC, , b c, d m, c d, c ≈ v, m + d = s, d – k = f, , , , 65, 7-3, 197,

Ex 4. Correct the mistakes
g3 – gram cube
mm/g – millimeter with gram
2Zn + C CO + Zn – zinc 2 plus carbon and takes carbon oxide and zinc
– the root five of five
11o C – eleven degree
11o F – eleven zero
f+ g = t – f and g gives t
14-10 – fourteen to the minus ten degree
Cu + O  CuO – copper and oxygen give copper oxygen
Ca (III) – calcium three
4 > 3 – four bigger than three
2 < 5 – two smaller than five
x2 – x two
5 + 4 = 9 – five plus four loses nine
TiO2 – ti: ai sekqnd ou
Mn2O7 – em en sekqnd ou sevn
Cl- – chlorine minus
Ca+++ – calcium three pluses
(OH)2 – ou eitʃ tou
s2 – square second

Ex. 5 Match the first column with the second one


eks to the minus fifth power

ZnO + C CO + Zn

di is less that si

Zn (IV)



Zinc oxide plus carbon and yields carbon oxide and zinc

d < c

Vanadium oxide


Zinc Roman four


gram per second

Ex. 6 Write the following formulas and equations in words
Ca (OH)2
BaCO3 + Na2SO4 BaSO4 + Na2CO3
ZnS + 2HCl = ZnCl2 + H2S
kg / l
P2O5 + C  P + CO
HNO3 + Cu  Cu (NO3)2 + NO + H2O
K2Cr2O7 + H2S + H2SO4  Cr2(SO4)3+ S + K2SO4 + H2O.

Ex. 7 Write the following expressions in formulas
Eks cubed
Eks squared
Eight is greater than seven
Eleven degrees Celsius
Four molecules of water plus carbon dioxide
Calcium oxide
Gramm per liter
The tenth power of seven
Cubic meter
Square centimeter
Negative calcium ion
The square root of seven
Magnesium permanganate reacts with water
Trivalent positive aluminum ion
Y over a
Sodium Chloride plus hydrogen
Ten minus seven is equal to three
Second squared
Ten plus seven is equal to seventeen.

Additional Grammar
Grammar: So, such, too, enough
Too means there is a lot of something. It shows a negative opinion.
It’s too hot = It is very hot and I don’t like it.
You can use too before an adjective.
It’s too cold. My trousers are too small.
You can also use it before an adverb,
You walk too fast. James speaks too quietly.
Before a noun, use too much (uncountable nouns) or too many (countable nouns).
I ate too much food.
I ate too many sandwiches.
You can also use too much after a verb.
I ate too much.
Paul drinks too much.
Enough means you have what you need.
We have enough food for everyone = everyone has some food.
We don’t have enough chairs for everyone = some people don’t have chairs.
Write enough before a noun.
We have enough chairs.
But write it after an adjective or verb.
Are you warm enough? He’s qualified enough. She isn’t tall enough to be a model.

You don’t work hard enough. Are you sleeping enough?
Sentences with enough are sometimes followed by to + verb infinitive.
I’m not tall enough to reach the book.
I haven’t got enough money to buy that coat.
So means very.
It’s so hot!

So is generally used before an adjective or an adverb.
He’s so funny! He plays the piano so well!
However, in modern English, it is increasingly being used before nouns and verbs.
That dress is so last year! (= That dress is last year’s fashion)
I’m so going to shout at him when I see him! (so = really)
So can be used with a that clause, to show a result of the first clause.
I was so hot that I couldn’t sleep.
Such also means very. Such is used before an adjective and noun.
They are such nice children.
A / an, if necessary, go after such, not before.
That’s a such pretty dress. => That’s such a pretty dress!
Like So, Such can be used with a that clause, to show a result of the first clause.
It was such a nice day that we decided to go to the park.

Common mistakes
1) Some students use too with a positive meaning. But you should use so or very here.
It’s too hot! I love the summer! => It’s so hot! I love the summer!
2) Some students write enough in the wrong place.
Do we have sugar enough? => Do we have enough sugar?

Practical test
1. Which sentence is incorrect?
a) This substance is too brittle.
b) Don’t add too much acid!
c) This substance too is dull.
2. Which sentence is correct ?
a) This equation is such a difficult.
b) Do we have acid enough?
c) This metal is such a good conductor of electricity.
3. Which word goes in space: This substance produced too …. smoke.
a) much
b) many
c) any
4. Which word goes in space: This acid is …harmful.
a) such
b) so
c) enough
5. Which sentence is incorrect ?
a) This substance produced smoke enough.
b) This substance doesn’t react well enough with sulhpuric acid.
c) This equation is too difficult for me.
6. Which word goes in space: Chemistry is …. an interesting science
a) an
b) such
c) so
7. Which sentence is incorrect ?
a) The density of metalloids is much low.
b) Metalloids don’t have enough electrons.
c) Metalloids conduct enough electricity.
Unit 4
Future Simple

Positive sentences

I/ you/ we/ they/ he/ she/ it

will + infinitive (be, read, write and etc.)

Negative sentences

I/ you/ we/ they/ he/ she/ it

will not (won’t) + infinitive (be, read, write and etc.)



I/ you/ we/ they/ he/ she/ it

infinitive (be, write, read, and etc.) ?

The short form of Future Simple is the following: I, you, they, we, he, she, it’ll. For example:
I’ll meet her tomorrow.
When we use this tense:

  • When we talk about future (next week / month/ year, tomorrow): I will do it next week.

  • At the moment of speaking: The phone is ringing. I will answer it.

  • When we offer to do something: You lost your book yesterday. I will help you to find it.

  • We use after the following phrases:

I think
I don’t think
I am not sure
I am sure
I expect.

  • When we agree to do something: Could you check my essay please? Ok, I will read your essay in the evening.

  • When we promise to do something: I promise I won’t tell him about this accident.

  • When we ask somebody to do something: Will you repeat this word

again ?
We use shall when we want to do things for other people: You look very hungry. Shall I make something for dinner?
When we suggest something: It is a wonderful evening. Shall we go for a walk?

To be going to
Positive sentences

We/ you/ they
He/ she/ it

are + going to

+ infinitive (to read, to write)

Negative sentences

We/ you/ they
He/ she/ it

are not + going to

+infinitive (to read, to write)



you/ we/ they
he, she, it

+ going to

+ infinitive (to read, to write, etc)

We can also use the short form of to be (I’m, you’re, they’re, we’re, he’s, she’s, it’s), for example:

I’m going to write a letter to my sister.
When we use this construction:

  • When we talk about our plans (what we decided to do): Next summer I am going to visit Paris.

  • When we make predications using the information we have: Look at the sky! It is very cloudy. It is going to rain.

  • In science sphere we use this construction when we make scientific predictions about changes or processes which we will see during experiments. For example: As you see this solution is going to change its color.

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