Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

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пособие для 4 курса

Task One - Purpose of project

  • For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the purpose of the project, listed A-H.

  • For each extract choose the purpose of the project that the person carried out.

  • Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.

13 ……………………
14 ……………………
15 ……………………
16 ……………………
17 ……………………


to make changes to the Marketing Department


to propose changes in managers' responsibilities


to implement a programme of redundancies


to automate the production process


to introduce a staff development system


to improve the company's distribution system


to attract other domestic market segments


to expand the company's geographical coverage

Task Two - Experience of project

  • For questions 18-22, match the extracts with the experience, listed A-H.

  • For each extract, choose the experience that the person had while doing the project.

  • Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.

18 ……………………
19 ……………………
20 ……………………
21 ……………………
22 ……………………


I felt that other employees didn't co-operate with me.


The documents I wanted didn't exist.


My terms of reference were unclear.


The timescale was inadequate.


The project was not adequately funded.


Managers underestimated the difficulties of the project.


My colleagues objected to my being given the project.


I wanted to broaden the focus of the project.

Part Three
Questions 23-30
You will hear a discussion between two managers, Kathy and Duncan, who work in the Human Resources department of a company. For each question (23-30), mark one letter (А, В or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording.

  1. Duncan thinks that a new employee is needed to

A assist in marketing activities.
В deal with customer enquiries.
С implement database changes.

  1. Kathy suggests that the new employee will have to

A work for several departments.
В undergo further training.
С delegate various duties.

  1. Kathy criticises the way in which

A vacancies are advertised.
В interviews are conducted.
С job specifications are changed.

  1. Duncan thinks many of the company's staff are dissatisfied with their

A salaries.
В workloads.
С holidays.

  1. In which area does Duncan believe proposals for change will be accepted?

В finance
С production

  1. Kathy says she is concerned about the

A make-up of teams.
В meeting of deadlines.
С lack of information.

  1. What does Duncan want to be introduced?

A an in-company newsletter
В a staff suggestion scheme
С an annual customer survey

  1. Kathy thinks that in the future company strategy will be driven by

A image building.
В export initiatives.
С on-line transactions.


Part One
Give a short talk on the following business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your ideas.

A Product promotion: how to make effective use of the media when promoting a new product or service
В Information management: the importance of an effective internal communication system in a company
С Technology: the factors involved in assessing the cost-effectiveness of new technology

Part Two
You are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the task prompt, and then discuss the topic with your partner. After you have finished with the task, you will be asked some follow-on questions.
International Business Conference

The pharmaceutical company you work for is keen to participate in an international conference abroad. You have been asked to make recommendations about the company's participation.

Discuss and decide together:

  • how to select members of staff to represent the company at the conference

  • what practical arrangements would need to be made by the company before the conference

  • how the company should respond after the conference to interest shown in its products.

Follow-on questions
1 Would you like to take part in an international business conference? (Why?/Why not?)
2 In what ways do you think international conferences benefit a company?
3 What are the benefits for staff of attending international conferences?
4 What advantages are there for the city where an international conference is held?
5 Do you think conferences will continue to be an effective means of making business contacts? (Why?/Why not?)

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