Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

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Prepositional Phrases

Notice the prepositional phrases in the texts below.
A A book review
The Guide to the Semi-Colon in English was written by Keith Pedant in conjunction with1 a team of researchers at Boardham University. In comparison with2 previous works on the semi-colon, this is a very substantial volume. In addition to the main text there are a number of appendices. These are to some extent3 the most useful parts of the book as, in line with4 modern linguistic practice, they provide a wealth of real data. In spite of5 its potentially dry topic, the book contains many fascinating examples, in the sections dealing with the history of the semi-colon in particular. With the exception of6 the final chapter, this book may be of some interest to the general reader as well as the specialist but on the whole7 is mainly for those who have a professional interest in punctuation marks.
1 working together with 2 same meaning as in contrast to 3 notice also to a greater/lesser/ certain extent
4 following, same meaning as in accordance with 5 despite, not prevented by 6 not including (NB NOT except)
7 generally

B A talk to a genealogy club
Chairperson: Now, at this stage1 in the proceedings it's my pleasure to introduce our speaker tonight, Dr Anna Klein, the country's leading family history specialist. Anna, I'd like to welcome you on behalf of2 all our members.
Anna Klein: Thank you. My own interest in the subject came about as a result of discovering some old letters in the attic at home. I found them by chance3. They'd been written by some relatives who'd emigrated to Canada a hundred years or so before' and for me, as a ten-year-old then, they were by far4 the most exciting things I had ever read. They were, for the most part5, extremely well-written and, from then on, I was determined to learn as much as I could about my family. In other words6, I had started out on my genealogical journey. In some ways, I was very lucky. I was able to collect quite a bit of key family information on the basis of the old letters and this enabled me to track down some relations living in Montreal. They, in turn, provided some contacts with Australian cousins and so it continued. In the process, I've learnt a great deal, not only about my own family, but also in terms of7 how to approach tracing one's family. In most respects8 it's been a thoroughly enjoyable adventure though there have been some difficult moments ...
1 now, also at this point 2 representing (NB NOT on the part of) 3 accidentally 4 very much 5 generally 6 to express something differently, often more simply 7 as far as (how to approach ...) was concerned 8 considering most aspects of the experience

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