Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

E) It is very common to use approximate figures - particularly in speech. Match each approximate figure a)-p) to an exact figure 1-6 below

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E) It is very common to use approximate figures - particularly in speech. Match each approximate figure a)-p) to an exact figure 1-6 below.

  1. just over 150 i) far less than 150

  2. around 150 j) way, way over 150

  3. just short of 150 k) nowhere near 150

  4. roughly 150 I) slightly more than 150

  5. not quite 150 m)somewhat more than 150

  6. almost 150 n) 150 give or take a little

  7. some 150 o) somewhere in the region of 150

  8. 150 or so p) nothing like as much as 150

  1. 90

___ ___ ___

  1. 146

___ ___ ___

  1. 154

___ ___

  1. 190


  1. 240


  1. 140 to 160

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

F) Fill in the gaps with a preposition where necessary (in one case there is no preposition). Choose from: at, between, down, from, in, into, of, on, to, with.

  1. Last year sales rose…………. €7m ………………€7.5m. So that's an increase ……………..€ 0.5m.

  1. Last year there was an increase ………………… sales ……………………. 8%.

  1. Our market share now stands ……………………. 28%.

  2. One ………………….. five (= one out of every five) of our products never makes a profit.

  1. Two million ……………………….. euros were spent on television advertising.

  2. Unemployment figures have been relatively stable for some time, fluctuating ………………….4.3% and 4.6%.

7 There hasn't been much movement …………… the unemployment figures for some time.

  1. Sales rose ………………………line ……………………..predictions.

  2. From January 1st to now, sales have gone up by €0.5rm. So that's a year-………………-date increase of 8%.

  1. Over the last twelve months, sales have gone up by €0.5m. So that's a year-……………..-year increase of 8%.

  2. In this pie chart, sales are broken ……………………….. by region.

  3. In this pie chart, the whole country is divided ………………………….. five regions.

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