Инновации. Наука. Образование −
Furthest neighbor
Centroid clustering
Median clustering
Ward's method
Between-groups linkage – the distance between clusters, which is equal to the average of
all distances between all possible pairs of points from both clusters. The information needed to
calculate the distance is based on all theoretically possible pairs of observations. This method is
set by default.
Within-groups linkage – the distance between two clusters is calculated based on all
possible pairs of observations belonging to both clusters, and the pairs of observations formed
within the clusters are also taken into account.
Nearest neighbor – the distance between two clusters is defined as the distance between a
pair of observations located closest to each other, and each observation is taken from its own
Furthest neighbor – the distance between two clusters is defined as the distance between
the most distant values of observations from each other, and each observation is taken from its
own cluster.
Centroid clustering – in both clusters, the average values of the variables of the
observations related to them are calculated. Then the distance between the two clusters is
calculated as the distance between the two averaged observations.
Median clustering – the same centroid method, but the center of the combined cluster is
calculated as the average of all objects.
Ward-Method – first, in both clusters, the average values of individual variables are
calculated for all available observations. Then the squares of the Euclidean distances from the
individual observations of each cluster to this cluster mean are calculated. These distances are
summed up. Then those clusters that give the smallest increase in the total amount of distances
are combined into one new cluster.
It is important to perform cluster analysis of the same data, but using different ways of
measuring distance.
Compare the results obtained based on different distance methods to determine how
similar the results obtained are.
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