«Өркениет» ғылыми-әдістемелік орталығының 2021 жылғы «22» ақпандағы №1 хаттамасына сәйкес сараптау комиссиясының шешімімен баспаға ұсынылды

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Англ авторлық


Explanatory note 
English was the language of international communication. It is widespread all over the 
world. These are all spheres of human relations: business, scientific, political and 
environmental language. Language is a universal tool for the transfer of experience to 
enter into an equal dialogue with representatives of other cultures and traditions; it ensures 
the inclusion of the individual in modern civilizational processes. A person who reaches 
the level of international and interethnic relations should be able to Express his thoughts in 
English. Thus, communication comes to the most important place, but it, in turn, requires 
For our students of 6th grade course «Everyday English» will help the student to realize 
interest in the subject, to overcome fears of performance. 
Classes are held once a week and cover 34 classes. Topics are selected taking into account 
the age characteristics and interests of students: health, leisure, education, travel, theater 
and cinema, media, etc. The study of this course is relevant in connection with the demand 
and popularity of the subject "foreign language" in modern life.
The working program is made taking into account psychological and age features of 
children. The program saves the continuity and perspectives of the study. 
The purpose of the program:
the Development of communicative and emotional sphere, 
creative abilities and unconventional thinking of students, improving the skills of 
participation in dialogue; learning the basics of oral communication in typical situations. 
Course objective: 

involvement of students in the educational process; 

formation of language sense; 

foreign language skills of children in the framework of the topics proposed in the 

to contribute to the accumulation of students ' knowledge about the life of other 
Nations, their culture, science, art; 

hear and understand the main content of the dialogue; 

participation in the discussion of issues related to the text in the listened foreign 
language in compliance with the rules of speech etiquette; 

development of the ability to analyze and systematize the information received; 

promotion of independent activities; 

development of orientation in the information space. 

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