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Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush –

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Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush – Аспандағы сұңқардан қолымдағы тұр ымтай жақсы

  • Blind men can judge no colours – Соқыр тауыққа бәрі бидай

  • By doing nothing we learn to do ill – Тамағы тоқтық, жұмысы жоқтық, аздырар адам баласын

  • Clothes make the man – Адамның көр кішү берек

    Test №34

  • 1. End the proverb. Last, but not ….

    1. small

    2. big

    3. least

    2. End the proverb. All is well that … .

    1. lost

    2. best

    1. … you can do today.

    2. … before pleasure.

    3. … you see.

    3. End the proverb.

    Health is …

    1. … ends well.

    2. … makes bell.

    1. … money

    2. … half a dollar

    3. … light

    4. End the proverb.

    Every country has its … .

    1. … better than wealth

    2. … hospital

    1. keys

    2. president

    3. knight

    5. End the proverb.

    Wear the old coat … .

    1. customs

    2. culture

    1. … and buy the new book.

    2. … than never.

    3. … and new boots.

    1. … and eat chips.

    2. and have a pleasure.

    6. Мақалдың дұрыс баламасын табыңыз. Өз үйім - өлең төсегім.

    1. Guests come with eating.

    2. A man can sit but once.

    3. East or West, home is best.

    4. Custom is a second nature.

    7. End the proverb. A fly in the … .

    e) A cat in gloves catches no mice.

    1. … words.

    2. … good as a rest.

    3. … home is best.

    1. … ointment.

    2. … I`ll scratch yours.

    8. End the proverb.
    Be slow to promise and quick to … .

    1. … advise d) … perform

    2. … talk e) … run

    3. … sleep

    9. Фразеологизмді аяқтаңыз. Out of sight, out of …

    1. mind d) hair

    2. heart e) nose

    3. kidney

    10. Фразеологизмді аяқтаңыз. Without a …

    1. money d) stitch

    2. problem e) mouth

    3. hitch

    Leveled exercises № 34
    Деңгейлік тапсырма № 34

    I level/I деңгей


    Across, against, for, in, into, on, round, to, up, with

    1. I`ll send someone to call … the parcel on Thursday.

    2. You`ll have to work hard to keep …. with the rest of the class.

    3. Jean didn`t expect to come up … such difficulties. 4. It`s not fair. You`re always picking … me.

    5. Terry sang the first verse and then everyone joined … . 6. I came … one of your novels in a second – hand bookshop.

    II level/II деңгей

    Қазақша балама сын беріңіз.

    1. Handsome is that handsome does. ______________

    2. Business before pleasure. ____________

    3. Better late than never. ______________

    4. Half a loaf is better than no bread. ___________

    5. So many men, so many minds. ___________

    6. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. _________

    7. Everything is good in it`s season. ____________

    8. When the cat is away, the mice will play. _____________

    9. Something is better than nothing. _____________

    10. Live and learn. ______________

    The Theme №33 Country studying
    Дұрыс жауапты таңда:
    1 When did the Great Fire of London take place?
    a) 1566 b) 1768 c) 1516 d) 1666 e) 1856
    2 Who are Prince William and Prince Henry’s parents?
    Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer are.
    Queen Victoria and Prince Albert are.
    Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson are.
    Prince Anne and Captain Mark Phillips are.
    Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillips are.
    3 Nelson’s Column is situated in … in London.
    a) Fleet Street b) Downing Street c) Trafalgar Square
    d) Piccadilly Circus e) Harley Street
    4 In which city is Hollywood?
    a) Los Angeles b) San Francisco c) Florida d) New York
    5 Lake Loch Ness is situated in …
    a) Ireland b) England c) Wales d) Australia e) Scotland
    6 London stands on the … .
    a) Aire b) Mississippi c) Missouri d) Thames e) Avon
    7 The Mississippi River is the …. Waterway in the United States.
    a) smallest b) great c) greatest d) livelier e) highest
    8 The capital of the United States is … .
    a) San Francisco b) New York c) Washington, D.C.
    d) Chicago e) Los Angeles
    9 The capital of Canada is …. .
    a) Chester b) New York c) Washington d) Canberra
    e) Ottawa
    10 What is the capital of Georgia?
    a) Atlanta b) Chicago c) California d) Los Angeles
    e) Washington
    11 Whose monument stands in the center of Trafalgar Square?

    1. Former Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

    2. John Glenn.

    3. Abraham Lincoln.

    4. Admiral Nelson.

    5. General Washington.

    12 The first colonists in America started the tradition of …
    a) Halloween b) Memorial Day c) Independence Day
    d) St.Patrick’s Day e) Thanksgiving Day
    13 The word Albion , the poetic name of Great Britain, means …
    a) green b) yellow c) white d) red e) blue
    14 Who was the first man on the Moon?
    a) Valentina Tereshkova b) Yuri Gagarin c) John Glenn
    d) German Titov e) Neil Armstrong
    15 The Statue of Liberty was a gift from:
    a) Greece b) Ireland c) England d) France e) Turkey
    16 Which beautiful waterfall is situated in the USA?
    a) Sutherlands b) Anchel c) Niagara d) Victoria
    e) Boyoma
    17 Public schools in the USA are …, while in Britain public school means …
    a) Private; fee-paying b) Private fee-paying; free c) Free
    d) Free; free e) Free; private fee-paying
    18 Which is the biggest state of the USA?
    a) Arizona b) Florida c) Alaska d) California e) Texas
    19 The British money is …
    a) dollars b) pounds c) franks d) crones e) British dollars
    20 What is the national emblem of England?
    a) Maple leaf b) Rose c) Tulip d) Violet e) Shamrock
    21 How many parts does Great Britain include?
    a) 2 b) 5 c) 4 d) 6 e) 3
    22 Which is Great Britain’s oldest university?
    a) Cambridge b) Oxford c) London University
    d) Leicester University e) Birmingham University
    23 What is the capital of Wales?
    a) Edinburgh b) Coventry c) Cardiff d) Belfast
    e) Birmingham
    24 In whose hands is the state power in Britain?
    a) The queen or the king b) Liberal Party c) Parliament
    d) Labor Party e) Conservative Party

    1.D 2.a 3.d 4.a 5.a 6.d 7.d 8.b 9.a 10.e11.a 12.d 13.d 14.b 15.e 16.e 17.e 18.e 19 d 20.d 21 c 22c 23c 24b

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