П. М. Кольцов т.ғ. д., профессор, Қалмақ мемлекеттік д и. н., профессор, Калмыцкий

Mental and moral education of students in modern universities

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Mental and moral education of students in modern universities

The way of morality formation of a learner is given in the article on the experience of the author. The offered approaches will give an opportunity to organige educational work among the students of the university. The authors experience will play its rose in the formation of a future specialists living values.

Key words: moralitу upbringing, culture formation, ledal culture, уouth unicns, presentive measures of religious extremism, enlightenment work.

УДК 37.091.4

А.К. Тоғайбаева – п.ғ.к.,
құқық және экономика негіздері кафедрасының меңгерушісі,
Ақтөбе мемлекеттік педагогикалық институты,
E-mail: aikat_76@mail.ru

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