which some persons consciously and formally teach while others adopt the
social role of learner.
Like with other social institutions there are different sociological
perspectives on education. The functionalist view
stresses the functions that
education performs. The most basic function of education is the transmission of
knowledge. Sociologists call it a rather conservative function because education
in any society transmits the dominant, or the existing culture. Through
schooling, each generation of young people studies the existing beliefs, norms,
and values of a distinctive culture. They learn respect for social control and
established social institutions, such as religion, the family, and government.
Promoting social and political integration is another important function of
education because it transforms a population composed of different racial,
ethnic, and religious groups into a society whose members share – to some
extent at least – a common identity. Schools socialize children into the norms,
beliefs, and values of the dominant culture. The integrative function of
education is obvious through its emphasis on promoting a common language.
The third function of education is maintaining social control.
Schoolchildren are introduced to standards of proper conduct in public life;
students are trained for what is ahead in their adult lives. Like other social
institutions, education prepares young people to lead productive and orderly
lives in the larger society. They are taught various skills and values which will
be essential in their future labor positions, whether it be the assembly line or
the office.
Thus far, we have discussed the conservative functions of education. Yet,
education can stimulate or bring about desired social change
if it is open to new
ideas and social and political viewpoints.
Another sociological approach to education is the conflict perspective.
takes a critical view of the social institution of education in the contemporary
capitalist society by stating that education maintains social class differences and
sorts pupils according to their social class background. Conflict theorists point
out three factors that contribute to this role of education:
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