Narxoz Student Research-2021
же предложено создание логистических парков, информационных
платформ. и сетевые узлы. Шелковая логистика, структура эффек-
тивной и разумной системы коммерческой логистики, имеет боль-
шое значение для содействия экономическому росту на основной
территории экономического пояса Шелкового пути. Казахстану
необходимо совершить рывок в экономическом развитии, участвуя
в совместном строительстве «Пояса и пути». Казахстан является
важной страной, сотрудничающей с китайской инициативой «Эко-
номический пояс Шелкового пути».
Discuss the co-construction of Ili State and Kazakhstan in the Silk
Road Economic Belt, based on industry enterprise groups and two
international trade logistics cooperation models based on both sides of
the trading market, and propose the establishment of logistics parks,
information platforms and network nodes. Good logistics, effi
and reasonable commercial logistics system structure is of great
signifi cance to promote the economic growth of the core area of the
Silk Road Economic Belt. It is necessary for Kazakhstan to achieve
economic development by leaps and bounds by participating in the joint
construction of the “Belt and Road”. Kazakhstan is an important country
that cooperates with China’s “Silk Road Economic Belt” initiative. The
logistics channel construction and energy cooperation advocated by
the “Silk Road Economic Belt” initiative have a strong commonality
with Kazakhstan’s national strategy and promote Cooperation between
my country and Kazakhstan in the fi elds of trade, energy, fi nance,
investment and tourism.
Түйінді сөздер:
«Бір белдеу - бір жол», Қытай, Қазақстан Жі-
бек Жолының экономикалық белдеуі, сауда жəне логистика, ха-
лықаралық ынтымақтастық, модель
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