Клиническая медицина Медицина и экология, 2021, 3

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Клиническая медицина 
Aktobe region is the leader of oil and gas 
production in Western Kazakhstan. The high rates 
of gas and oil production, the growth of their 
chemical processing have turned oil and gas ex-
traction into powerful sources of environmental 
pollution, which poses a real threat to the health 
of the population, especially children, and contrib-
utes to a delay in its physical development [1, 2]. 
The physical development of children and 
adolescents is the growth and formation of the 
child's body, including the rates, stages and criti-
cal periods of its maturation, inherited character-
istics, individual variability, maturity and connec-
tion with factors of the internal and external envi-
ronment [2, 3]. The indicators of physical devel-
opment are anthropometric data, the rate of their 
change in the process of growth, harmony of de-
velopment, the ratio of calendar and biological 
age, constitutional features [4, 5]. In recent dec-
ades, there has been a tendency to a degradation 
of the indicators of physical development, espe-
cially in oil and gas regions [6, 7]. As a result, 
pathological changes in the nervous system may 
develop, as well as in the musculoskeletal system. 
From the modern point of view, bone is a 
dynamic living tissue with high sensitivity to vari-
ous regulatory mechanisms, as well as to endo- 
and exo-influences [8]. The process of precipita-
tion and accumulation of minerals, i.e., minerali-
zation of bone tissue, mostly depends on the 
structure and functional state of the bone matrix. 
The maximum increase in bone mass is observed 
in puberty, which more than doubles at the age 
of 10-17 years [9, 10]. Intensive growth in child-
hood with simultaneous remodeling creates a 
very special position for bone tissue, in which it is 
especially sensitive to adverse environmental in-
fluences. Decreased bone density, i.e. osteo-
penia, makes bone structures vulnerable and can 
ultimately lead to a loss of more than 5% of bone 
mass, i.e. osteoporosis [11, 12]. 
Osteopenic syndrome (ICD code 10 
M89.9) does not pose a threat to life, but it is 
dangerous with a quiet asymptomatic course, 
which does not manifest itself clinically until the 
onset of complications [13, 14]. It is character-
ized by a progressive decrease in bone tissue 
mass and a decrease in its strength due to micro-
architectonic disturbances, and is one of the most 
significant medical and social diseases [15]. It has 
now been proven that the origins of the develop-
ment of osteopenia/osteoporosis are in childhood, 
especially in adolescence [6]. The prevalence of 
osteopenia/osteoporosis among children is char-
acterized by a significant range of data from 5% 
to 59%, due to the lack of special diagnostic 
equipment [16, 17]. There is not enough infor-
mation in the literature on the bone mineral den-
sity in adolescents living in ecologically unfavora-
ble conditions, including oil and gas producing 

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